caltech | Historic Innovations by Caltech People That Transformed Our Everyday Lives - Carver Mead - 5/22/24 @caltech | Uploaded 3 months ago | Updated 1 hour ago
Drawing on more than 70 years of research and perspective, microelectronics pioneer Carver Mead (BS '56, PhD '60), the Gordon and Betty Moore Professor of Engineering and Applied Science, Emeritus, shares a history of Caltech breakthroughs and innovations that have revolutionized modern society. In this talk, Mead illuminates the contributions of Caltech scientists and engineers who have worked to identify and eliminate Los Angeles smog; to engineer the semiconductors that ushered in Silicon Valley and the age of digital information; to create the lasers that made the World Wide Web possible; to bring GPS to the masses; and to make cars electronic. His discussion spans both his own work and that of colleagues, students, and fellow alumni who have pursued excellence, defied convention, and made all our lives better.

Learn more about Professor Mead: http://carvermead.caltech.edu

About the Series:

Since 1922, The Earnest C. Watson Lecture Series has brought Caltech's most innovative scientific research to the public.

The series is named for Earnest C. Watson, a professor of physics at Caltech from 1919 until 1959. Spotlighting a small selection of the pioneering research Caltech's faculty is currently conducting, the Watson Lectures are geared toward a general audience, as part of the Institute's ongoing commitment to benefiting the local community through education and outreach.

For more information on the Watson Lecture Series: https://caltech.edu/watson

View other Watson Lectures: https://bit.ly/Caltech_Watson_Lectures

Produced in association with Caltech Academic Media Technologies.
©2024 California Institute of Technology
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Historic Innovations by Caltech People That Transformed Our Everyday Lives - Carver Mead - 5/22/24 @caltech