OfDurinsFolk | Here With Me || Original Characters {+MacduffProd} @ofdurinsfolk | Uploaded 4 years ago | Updated 15 hours ago
{HD, please}


Can you believe it's Christmas Eve already?! How did that happen?!

Anyway, the universe truly brought everything together to make this one happen. For the first time in...well ever, July and I were actually making decisions, and then BAM! We got hit in the face with this song, and it was just meant to be.

Okay, now I have to find the right words to describe Julia...

The most wonderful, kind, big hearted, talented, amazing, spectacular unicorn of a person. Truly one in a million. There are, quite frankly, no words for how grateful and amazed I am that she is someone I can consider a friend. I will never feel worthy of your friendship, but I am so glad you've bestowed such a gift on me. (Yes, I'm sappy, deal with it). I don't tell you enough, let's be honest, we're both the worst at taking compliments anyway, so it would just descend into hours of sending gifs back and forth.
I really am grateful for you, for so many things.
For listening to my babble, for being endlessly supportive (it's truly astounding), for immediately stepping in to be my impulse control if necessary, for reminding me to stop and actually take care of myself. Everything. And I'm still mad at the universe over the London incident...

And, just another quick little part about your apparently endless talent. A vidding wizard over here folks! The quality of your videos - the long ones, the short ones, and the ones in between is incredible. I can never believe they aren't real, your manips are incomparable.

And this collab (which I couldn't be prouder of. Yes I'm tooting our horn. It deserves it! And is also more proof that the once a year unspoken rule we seem to have is either brilliant, or the worst thing ever.) is 3/3 of just body slamming me with feels over your original characters. They feel so real to me already. Hurry up and write the books so I can buy every edition possible and devour them!

I give the conclusion to our original characters trilogy of collabs a solid 5/5. No tea, no shade to other trilogies concluding this year...

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(for more information about the characters, and faceclaims: cutt.ly/Zrrp7W6 )

›› colouring: mine
Here With Me || Original Characters {+MacduffProd}Goodbye 2018 || Unfinished ProjectsLara Jean & Peter || CrushRobin & Regina || Fire on Fire {for Alaina}Find Me || Multicouples {Birthday MEP}All The Things She Said || Original Characters CollabBehind These Hazel Eyes {Happy Birthday, Elle!}♡ Drake & Morwenna || Fix You {+5x01}Steve & Nancy || Empty SpaceTOP TEN SHIPS PROJECT || REOPENED {READ DB}Wheres My Love || Happy Birthday AlainaRey & Ben || Beauty & The Beast

Here With Me || Original Characters {+MacduffProd} @ofdurinsfolk