Integrity Syndicate | Hebrews 1, Part 1 Open Stream @IntegritySyndicate | Uploaded December 2021 | Updated October 2024, 2 hours ago.
An open discussion on Unitarian interpretations of Hebrews 1

There are about four different ways Unitarians read Hebrews 1;10-12. Lets to do a survey of the different options (Similar to John 1) with the rationale and criticisms of each position. The key question is what is the association of verse 10-12 with verses 8-9 that proceeds it. We have the answer. What is clear is Hebrews is not Trinitarian.

Key Unitarian statements in the first part of Hebrews;
1. God has spoken by his Son (1;2)
2. Whom he (God) appointed (1;2)
3. Heir (1;2)
4. He (Jesus) is the engraving (imprint) of his (God's) nature (1;3)
5. He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty (1;3)
6. He has been caused-to-be superior of angles (1;4)
7. The name he has inherited is different than theirs (better) (1;4)
8. God did say... You are my son, today I have begotten you. (1;5)
9. I will become to him as a Father (1;5)
10. He shall be to me a son (1;6)
11. He (God) brings the firstborn into the world (1;6)
12. He (God) says... they all prostrate to him (Jesus) – the angels of God (1;6)
13. You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness (1;9)
14. Therefore (because of this) God has anointed you (1;9)
15. With oil of gladness beyond you companions (Jesus is a human) (1;9)
16. Sit at my right hand (1;13)
17. Until I (God) make your (Jesus) enemies a footstool for your feet (1;13)
18. It was not to angles that God subjected the world to come, of which we are speaking (2;5)
19. What is a man that you are mindful of him or a son of man that you care for him (2;6)
20. You (God) have crowned him (Jesus) with glory and honor (2;7)
21. Putting everything in subjection under his (Jesus) feet (2;8)
22. He (God) left nothing outside his (Jesus) control (2;8)
23. Jesus, crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death. (2;9)
24. He (God), for whom and by whom all things exist, should make the founder of their salvation (Jesus) perfect through suffering (2;10)
25. He (Jesus) who sanctifies and those who are sanctified have one source (2;11)
26. He (Jesus) is not ashamed to call them brothers (2;11)
27. I will tell of your name to my brothers (2;12)
28. In the midst of the congregation I (Jesus) will sing your praise (2;12)
29. I (Jesus) will put my trust in him (God). (2;13)
30. I (Jesus) and the children God has given me (2;13)
31. Because the children share in blood and in flesh also he (Jesus) likewise shared of the same (2;14)
32. He (Jesus) had to be made in every respect like his brothers (2;17)
33. That he (Jesus) might become a faithful high priest in the service of God (2;17)
34. He (Jesus) suffered himself when tested (2;18)
35. The apostle (agent/messenger) - Jesus (3;1)
36. High priest (every high priest is chosen from among man) of our confession - Jesus (3;1)
37. Who (Jesus) was faithful (just as Moses in all of God’s house) (3;2)
38. Him (God) who appointed him (Jesus) (3;2)

Ambiguous verses said to indicate the deity of Christ:
1. Through whom he created the world (Heb 1;2)
2. The radiance of glory and exact imprint of his nature (Heb 1;3)
3. Upholds the universe by the word of his power (Heb 1;3)
4. Let all the angels of God worship him (Heb 1;6)
5. Of the Son… Your throne O God is forever and ever (Heb 1;8)
6. You, Lord, laid the foundation of the earth in the beginning, and the heavens are the work of your hands. (Heb 1;10) There are about four Unitarian explanations of Hebrews 1;10-12.

All these statements can be understood with a Unitarian interpretation / explanation. We will address them all

1st Century Christianity - Integrity Syndicate

Integrity Syndicate Biblical Unitarian Sites:
trueunitarian.com - The foundations of Biblical Unitarianism
https://onegodonelord.faith/ - Understanding the distinction between one God, the Father, and one Lord, Jesus Christ
biblicalagency.com - Understanding the Law of Agency - A Key Biblical Concept Pertaining to Christ
https://onemediator.faith/ - The essential humanity of the one mediator Jesus Christ
iamstatements.com – Understanding how Jesus identifies himself in the Gospels
jesusisthemodel.com – Understanding how Jesus is the model for us
understandinglogos.com – The true meaning of the Word in the prologue of John
formofgod.com - Analysis of Philippians 2 - Exaltation not preexistence
preexistenceofchrist.com – Understanding in what sense Christ preexisted
bibleconflations.com – Refuting erroneous conflations of Scripture used to infer Jesus is ontologically God
controllinginfluence.com – Understanding what is the Holy Spirit
trinitydelusion.net – Dispelling the delusion of the Trinity

#IntegritySyndicate #BiblicalUnitarian

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Hebrews 1, Part 1 Open Stream @IntegritySyndicate