He lied about the Polar Bears!  @RichardVobes
He lied about the Polar Bears!  @RichardVobes
Richard Vobes | He lied about the Polar Bears! @RichardVobes | Updated May 13 2024
He lied about the Polar Bears! @RichardVobesChild abuse and trafficking @RichardVobesSolar panels or food? Your choice! @RichardVobesOn the farm, digging an ole ... @RichardVobesAre they UN soldiers? @RichardVobesShould we be travelling abroad? @RichardVobesDoes white vinegar really work? @RichardVobesWe are doing it all wrong @RichardVobesThe Lawful Remedy - Episode Nine @RichardVobesThe 5th State of Water @RichardVobesIt Sounds Beautiful ... @RichardVobesReal Climate Engineering @RichardVobesWhat is our purpose at this time? @RichardVobesEmpowerment is key @RichardVobesThe continual distraction @RichardVobesEverything takes you here ... @RichardVobesAre vets killing your pets? @RichardVobesWho is controlling your thoughts? @RichardVobesYou are the king! @RichardVobesIs it part of the plan? @RichardVobesThe Lawful Remedy - Episode eight @RichardVobesCould you survive without it? @RichardVobesDo you REALLY want to live there? @RichardVobesGet this: 94% of crime is undetected! @RichardVobesThe fall of the cabal brings out the detractors @RichardVobesGoodbye polling card! @RichardVobesWhen you were paid properly ... @RichardVobesShould you buy Gold? @RichardVobesDont let the Dark Forces distract you @RichardVobesCan smallholdings survive the future? @RichardVobesStop spraying our skies! @RichardVobesThe Lawful Remedy - Episode Seven @RichardVobesChanging moods with frequency @RichardVobesWe love buying stuff we dont need. @RichardVobesBetter health for all! @RichardVobesAre there alternatives to cities? @RichardVobesAre you being fluoridated? @RichardVobesTurn our backs on the clowns @RichardVobesIs ANY of our history true? @RichardVobesIts happening ... @RichardVobesMorning from the farm @RichardVobesThe Lawful Remedy - Episode Six @RichardVobesPolice corruption and child abduction @RichardVobesShould the balloon go up! @RichardVobesResisting the Apocalypse @RichardVobesThey MUST attend Today! @RichardVobesIs he dead, ill or in prison? @RichardVobesProtecting your property @RichardVobesSoftly softly catch the monkey @RichardVobesBring people together - British Lions for Freedom @RichardVobesWhere are the natural springs? @RichardVobes

He lied about the Polar Bears! @RichardVobes