Fireship | gzip file compression in 100 Seconds @Fireship | Uploaded 2 years ago | Updated 3 hours ago
Gzip is a file compression tool and popular Linux utility used to make files smaller. Learn how file compression works in 100 seconds.

#linux #compsci #100SecondsOfCode


Gzip Docshttps://www.gnu.org/software/gzip/manual/gzip.html
Linux in 100 Seconds https://youtu.be/rrB13utjYV4
Linux Directories Explained https://youtu.be/42iQKuQodW4

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Topics Covered

- What is Gzip?
- How to create a tarball?
- What is end-to-end compression?
- Lossy vs Lossless file compression
- File compression algorithms history
- TAR vs Gzip
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gzip file compression in 100 Seconds @Fireship