Ecolinguist | Guess The Language Challenge | Get your cup of satisfaction today! | #3 feat. @JuLingo @Ecolinguist | Uploaded November 2020 | Updated October 2024, 1 hour ago.
In this new episode of the Guess The Language Challenge you have another chance to win a cup of satisfaction! 🏆🤓🥳 Can you guess any of these languages? 🤓

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My name is Norbert Wierzbicki and I am the creator of this channel @Ecolinguist
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❗️SPOILER ALERT - Continue beyond this point if you don't mind seeing the answers revealed. Otherwise, come back here after playing the game. 🤓

🙏🏼Special thanks to Julie Maksimova for participating in the game:
🎥 Julie's channel about languages → @JuLingo Video about the Georgian language → youtu.be/Li4xPDnmAg8

🙏🏼Special thanks to the following creators:
🎥 Lotta - Finnish Teacher @finnished also on Facebook.
🎥 Tom Ensing - Videographer, Photographer and Content Creator @TomCatchesUp also on Instagram
🎥 Shinegi Vietnam - Vietnamese teacher @shinegivietnamlanguageteacheralso on Instagram.
🎥 Jakhongir Ayupov - a creative soul on YouTube @Uzbek AJ and Instagram @uzbej_aj, link to his channel: youtu.be/eT3D3HsGqFQ
🎥 Paulína - Slovak Teacher @LearnSlovakwithStories
🎥 Nini & Maja - Geaorgian creators @Gruzinskipopolsku

🎥Recommended videos:
🤓🏆🥳 Guess The Language Challenge | #2 → youtu.be/w30AdwJMVa0
🤓🏆🥳 Guess The Language Challenge | #1 → youtu.be/AYPm04twm2M
🎶 Can you guess the Slavic language these songs are in? → youtu.be/fZCKrg6rBIY
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇺🇸🇦🇺🇵🇱Old English Spoken | Can American, Australian, and Non-Native English speakers understand it? → youtu.be/sEaRBAT0TLs
🤓 Latin Language Spoken | Can Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian speakers understand it? → youtu.be/C77anb2DJGk
🇫🇷🇮🇹🇧🇷🇲🇽French Language | Can Italian, Spanish and Portuguese speakers understand? → youtu.be/sqxgY6c6mqs
🇮🇹🇧🇷🇲🇽Italian Language | Can Spanish and Portuguese speakers understand? → youtu.be/VCtg1upDmWs
🇧🇷🇲🇽🇮🇹Brazilian Portuguese | Can Spanish and Italian speakers understand? → youtu.be/buqqqVNQHHI
🎥Romance Languages Comparison Playlist → youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQJ3IAEluGMjuLXkJ3M3zbdutw38BInsv
🎥Slavic Languages Comparison Playlist → youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQJ3IAEluGMjf6eO2qr2XTbA16V9U4p6q

🤓 For those who would like to learn more about the languages featured in this episode, I enclose the transcription of what was said in the audio samples for language comparison:

1. Kielitieteilijän, niinku biologin tai kasvitieteilijän, tehtävänä ei oo selittää, miten luonnon pitäis käyttäytyä tai miltä sen luomusten pitäis näyttää, vaan kuvata näitä luomuksia mahtavine vikoineen kaikkineen ja yrittää ymmärtää, mitä ne voi opettaa meille elämästä, maailmasta ja etenki kielitieteen kohdalla ihmismielen toiminnasta.

2. De taak van een taalkundige, net zoals die van een bioloog of botanicus, is niet om ons te vertellen hoe de natuur zich hoort te gedragen, of hoe zijn creaties eruit horen te zien, maar om die creaties in al hun verwarrende glorie te beschrijven, en uit te vinden wat ze ons kunnen leren over het leven, de wereld, en zeker in het geval van taalkunde, de werking van het brein.

3. Công việc của một nhà ngôn ngữ học, giống như nhà sinh vật học hay thực vật học, không phải là cho chúng ta biết thiên nhiên nên được đối xử thế nào, hay những tạo vật ấy trông ra nào, mà là mô tả những sáng tạo đó trong tất cả hỗn độn và hào quang của chúng để cố gắng tìm hiểu ra điều gì đó mà có thể dạy chúng ta về cuộc sống, về thế giới, và đặc biệt trong trường hợp ngôn ngữ học, đó là hoạt động của tâm trí con người.

4. Tilshunosning ishi kabi biologning yoki botanikning vazifasi tabiatning o'zini qanday tutishi yoki uning yaratgan narsalari qanday ko'rinishga ega bo'lishini aytib berish emas, u bizga ijodlarni o'zlarining shov-shuvli shon-sharaflari bilan tasvirlab berish va ular bizga hayot, dunyo, va ayniqsa tilshunoslik, inson ongining ishlashi o'rgatishni biz tushunishni harakat qilishimiza kerak.

5. Práca jazykovedkyne alebo jazykovedca nie je hovoriť, aký by jazyk mal byť. Naopak, práca jazykovedkyne je jazyk pozorovať a opisovať taký, aký je v skutočnosti - rozmanitý a dynamický.

6. ენათმეცნიერის, ისევე როგორც ბიოლოგის თუ ბოტანიკოსის მოვალეობა ის კი არ არის გადმოგვცეს, როგორი უნდა იყოს მისი ქმნილებები, არამედ აღწეროს ისინი მათ ქაოტურ სიდიადეში, ეცადოს გაარკვიოს რას გვასწავლიან ისინი ცხოვრების, სამყაროს და, ენათმეცნიერის შემთხვევაში, ადამიანის გონების მუშაობის შესახებ.


🤗 Big hug to everyone reading my video descriptions! You rock! 🤓💪🏻
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Guess The Language Challenge | Get your cup of satisfaction today! | #3 feat. @JuLingo @Ecolinguist