Artifexian | GPlates: Island Arc Collisions - Worldbuilders Log 15 @Artifexian | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 18 hours ago
How deal with island arc collisions and subducting ocean plates in GPlates.


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GPLATES: https://www.gplates.org

WORLDBUILDING PASTA : https://worldbuildingpasta.blogspot.com

VANGA-VANGOG : https://www.deviantart.com/vanga-vangog/gallery

THE WORLDSMITH (Spreadsheet): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AML0mIQcWDrrEHj-InXoYsV_QlhlFVuUalE3o-TwQco/copy

REFERENCE DOCS: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1a3ZZFmVy80zViaGw3hazats_INujM0Zb?usp=sharing


Udo Grunewald


00:00 Intro
00:12 Future of This Series
01:02 Opening a New Subduction Zone
03:14 Creating a New Plate
05:40 New Plate FlowLines
08:15 Moving Plates
10:37 Island Arc Collision
14:33 More Moving Plates
16:52 Timestep Cleanup
17:30 700-650 mya
19:40 Deleting a Fully Subducted Plate
20:32 700-650 mya (cont.)
21:03 Accreted Terrain
22:17 Timelapse & Outro

Thanks for watching everyone. It means a lot.
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GPlates: Island Arc Collisions - Worldbuilders Log 15 @Artifexian