Geologic Catastrophe and the Young Earth (Steve Austin Interview)  @CMIVideo
Geologic Catastrophe and the Young Earth (Steve Austin Interview)  @CMIVideo
CMI Video | Geologic Catastrophe and the Young Earth (Steve Austin Interview) @CMIVideo | Updated July 14 2024
Geologic Catastrophe and the Young Earth (Steve Austin Interview) @CMIVideoYoung Earth Creation: Irrelevant to Salvation? @CMIVideoClimate Change: Whos to Blame? @CMIVideoA Biblical Approach to Climate Change @CMIVideoThorns – post-Fall or millions of years old? @CMIVideoRibosome: the most sophisticated machine ever made #science #dna #cmi @CMIVideoBoulders moved over 500km! #science #geology #cmi @CMIVideoSedimentary blankets - evidence for Noahs Flood #geology #science #cmi @CMIVideoCarbon14 in dinosaur bones? It shouldnt be there! #science #paleontology #carbon14 #cmi @CMIVideoPollen problem for evolution #science #biology #cmi @CMIVideoPolish footprints cause Tiktaalik trouble @CMIVideoCan all blood types come from Adam and Eve? #science #biology #anatomy #cmi @CMIVideoOur four dimensional genome  #science #dna #genetics #cmi @CMIVideoNeandertal genome confirms they were human  #science #biology #apeman  #cmi @CMIVideoMass extinction points to Noahs Flood  #cmi #science #fossils #geology @CMIVideoLight sensitive species - a problem for dinosaur extinction theories  #science #dinosaurs #cmi @CMIVideoLawyer jettisons Noahs Flood  #science #geology #cmi @CMIVideoThe impossibility of ape to human evolution @CMIVideoDarwins theory destroyed @CMIVideoAbortion justified in rape cases? @CMIVideoKoala pouches: well designed #science #biology #cmi @CMIVideoEvidence against evolution the Miller-Urey experiment @CMIVideoThe Complexity of Human DNA Destroys Evolution @CMIVideoJunk DNA Junks Evolution #science #dna #genetics #cmi @CMIVideoAbortion to save the mother? @CMIVideoBiologists: Human life begins at conception @CMIVideoHudson River super mutants defy evolution #genetics #science  #cmi #fish @CMIVideoFetus not fully human yet? @CMIVideoPro-choice arguments refuted @CMIVideoHelium: a problem for radiometric dating #geology #science #helium #cmi @CMIVideoRefuting the famous violinist argument for abortion @CMIVideoGrand Canyon strata supports Noahs Flood @CMIVideoSecular and feminist arguments against abortion @CMIVideoGoosebumps: an evolutionary leftover? #science #biology #anatomy #cmi @CMIVideoThe two-year old abortion test @CMIVideoUpside down geological column #science #geology #rock #cmi @CMIVideoCO2 levels and climate change. Don’t panic! @CMIVideoFrantic dinosaur footprints point to the flood #science #dinosaurs #geology #footprints #cmi @CMIVideoThe Bible describes the pre-born as people @CMIVideoScience confirms Earth’s magnetic field flipped rapidly #science #earth #magneticfield #cmi @CMIVideoDropstones don’t disprove Noah’s Flood #geology #science #iceage #cmi @CMIVideoFlat gaps between rock layers challenge evolution’s long ages #geology #science #cmi @CMIVideoAbortion: A Matter of Choice? @CMIVideoEpigenetics and natural selection #genetics #dna #science #cmi @CMIVideoWhat did animals eat after leaving Noah’s Ark? @CMIVideoFour problems with the 99% similar chimp human DNA figure @CMIVideoHow did fresh and saltwater fish survive Noah’s Flood? @CMIVideoDo mudcracks disprove Noah’s Flood? #geology #science #cmi @CMIVideoWas Noah’s Ark big enough for animals and their food? @CMIVideoDinosaur DNA dilemma #dinosaurs #science #dna #cmi @CMIVideoNew research: Chimp Human DNA not 99% similar @CMIVideo

Geologic Catastrophe and the Young Earth (Steve Austin Interview) @CMIVideo