See the Pattern | Galaxies Across the Universe are Heating up... Not Cooling Down? @SeethePattern | Uploaded 3 years ago | Updated 11 hours ago
Galaxies Across the Universe are Heating up... Not Cooling Down?

In the Big bang model the universe started in a fiery bang and since then the universe has expanded and formed all the structures we see. Slowly over time it is thought that this material should cool down. Gravity will still act on the particles but we would expect to find the hottest galaxies early on. A new study published recently turns this idea on its head and shows that in fact the opposite is happening. This study may once more point to the fact that objects have intrinsic redshift and that galaxies evolve from a proto-galactic stage gaining more material and so it's redshift slowly decreases. This may therefore simply slow the developmental stages of a galaxy not the universe itself.

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Galaxies Across the Universe are Heating up... Not Cooling Down? @SeethePattern