Fukushima: TEPCO Seeking Melted Nuclear Fuel Update 1/2/16  @MsMilkytheclown1
Fukushima: TEPCO Seeking Melted Nuclear Fuel Update 1/2/16  @MsMilkytheclown1
MsMilkytheclown1 | Fukushima: TEPCO Seeking Melted Nuclear Fuel Update 1/2/16 @MsMilkytheclown1 | Uploaded January 2016 | Updated October 2024, 2 hours ago.
TEPCO to Tackle Removal of Molten Nuclear Fuel
The operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is expected to take on the challenge of removing the molten fuel from reactors that suffered meltdowns in 2011.

Soon it will be nearly five years since the massive earthquake and tsunami triggered a nuclear accident at the plant.

Workers have not been able to determine the extent of damage or find the molten fuel at the No.1, 2 and 3 reactors. Experts believe some of the fuel penetrated the reactor cores and is sitting at the bottom of the respective containment vessels.

TEPCO officials will bring in a remote-controlled robot that can withstand extremely high radiation levels to capture images of the fuel at the No. 2 reactor as early as next month. A similar undertaking is to take place at the No. 1 reactor.

The officials will then decide ways to remove the fuel. Filling the reactor containment vessels with water before extracting it is one option to shield workers from the intense radiation.

TEPCO's Chief Decommissioning Officer Naohiro Masuda says removing the fuel is their final goal.
He added that finding its whereabouts would be a big step toward decommissioning the plant. Jan. 2, 2016

HOWEVER: ON MARCH 31, 2015, HERE'S a candid interview from the Decommissioning Chief Opening Up tinyurl.com/n9kod93 (that link has the full transcript of the aired interview)
Fukushima Robot View Inside Reactor 1 (& Soon To Fail) Update July 2014 youtu.be/hUFroriJc5c
100,000 Still Displaced 5 Yrs After Nuclear Crisis
More than 100,000 former residents of Fukushima Prefecture are still living away from their homes nearly 5 years after a nuclear accident forced them to flee.

Three municipalities are expecting the lifting of evacuation orders for their residents by the spring of this year. But whether many of them will return is unclear due to fears of radiation and unstable livelihoods.

The government's evacuation order is still in place for 9 Fukushima municipalities. 57,000 people are living elsewhere within the prefecture, while 43,000 of them are living outside the prefecture.

Minamisoma City, Kawamata Town and Katsurao Village expect the lifting of orders in some districts still designated as evacuation zones.
But convincing people to return is expected to be difficult. In the case of Naraha Town where the evacuation order was lifted in last September, only 5 percent of residents have so far returned. They cite radiation fears, insufficient medical service and other reasons.

In Fukushima prefecture, the building of the intermediate storage facilities for contaminated soil and other wastes is crucial. But only 22 of some 2,300 landowners have signed land sales contracts. Jan. 1, 2016
ENENEWS headlines: enenews.com click on headline to read full article.
audio by Albis called open highway youtu.be/I6rp55DOa-4
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Fukushima: TEPCO Seeking Melted Nuclear Fuel Update 1/2/16 @MsMilkytheclown1