Raising Hell | Ep 9: Can Free Will Send You To Hell? @RaisingHell | Uploaded June 2020 | Updated October 2024, 1 hour ago.
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Supposedly, they say, that hell is a necessary consequence of free will. Since you have the free will opportunity to “choose Jesus before it’s too late,” they say, God will not force you to love him, so there are no excuses and you actually send yourself to hell. A few of the 12,000 reasons that free will resulting in anyone going to hell cannot be true (more on the video).

1. Do you really think that anyone would chose hell? No. Nobody would choose hell. Most of the people who have ever lived didn’t even know there was a choice to be made. Nobody who has ever lived could conceive of such a horrible place.
2. If free will were true, that means that you actually have the possibility of determining your own eternal destiny, as well as contributing to the eternal destiny of others. How could any good God permit you to have this much power and responsibility?
3. If free will with some kind of ultimate loss were true, and assuming that God is fair and just, this world would have to be a level playing field so that everyone had the same fair opportunity to believe in Jesus. Yet, this is not the case. We are born into this world with a totally unfair playing field due to millions of factors outside our choices. There is no “free” in free will.
4. If either free will (Arminian camp) or chosen (Calvinist camp) are true, then God is either too weak or too mean to save all of his creation, or to have adequately planned ahead for what was needed.
5. If God is too weak or too mean to provide a way to save or reconcile with all of his children equally, then Satan wins and God loses. 95% or more of all people for all time head off to eternal flames and God loses most of his creation to Satan.
6. If free will is true, God is like a distant, unloving parent who watches his uninformed, ignorant, or unready children go off to destruction without stepping in to help. That means God loves his children less than most earthly parents, and shows favoritism to a few.
7. If free will is true, what happened to the Apostle Paul? He was given belief and understanding despite his unbelief and lovelessness. He did not want it, was not looking for it, it just happened to him. Why would any of us be any different than this “chief of sinners”?
8. If we truly have free will, then we should also be able to exert our free will and choose not to go to hell.
9. What about the hundreds of verses in the Bible where God declares that his firm, decisive will trumps the will of man, is going to save all, that no one can oppose his will and plan, and that no plan of his can be thwarted or foiled (Job 23:13; 42:2).
10. In reality, the Bible teaches that you do not have “free will.” You have a limited will with limited power and influence, and you are not responsible for your destiny.

God's plans stand through all generations (Ps. 33:10–11; 135:6).
God determines the steps and destiny of man, and all His purposes prevail (Pr. 16:4, 9, 33; 19:21; 21:1).
God does as He pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth (Dan. 4:35).
“I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for me” (Jer. 32:27)?
“I have sworn by Myself, the word has gone forth from My mouth in righteousness and will not turn back, that to Me every knee will bow, every tongue will swear allegiance” (Is. 45:23).
“Surely, just as I have intended so it has happened, and just as I have planned so it will stand” (Is. 14:24).
“So is My Word that goes out of my mouth: It will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire, and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” (Is. 55:11, NIV).
“My purpose will be established, and I will accomplish all my good pleasure...I have planned it, surely I will do it” (Is. 46:10–11).

What God wants, God Gets. 
God wills that none should perish and all should repent (2 Peter 3:9, KJV).
God wills all people to be saved (1 Tim. 2:3–4, KJV).
God wills that NOT ONE would be lost—and that includes everyone (John 3:35; 6:39, KJV).
God wills that His Kingdom fill the earth, and that His will be done by all (Matt. 6:10; Dan. 2:35).
God has declared that every knee will bow to Him, and every tongue will confess Him as Lord and give Him praise (Rom. 14:11, Phil. 2:10).
Ep 9: Can Free Will Send You To Hell?Facebook Livestream - Lets Get AcquaintedEp 8: What About the Lake of Fire?Ep 7: If Hell Isnt True, Why Did Jesus Die?My Deconstruction Journey-Fear to Freedom

Ep 9: Can Free Will Send You To Hell? @RaisingHell