Dialect | Einstein's Relativity contains a HUGE Loophole. Its Implications Can't Be Ignored. @dialectphilosophy | Uploaded 9 months ago | Updated 3 hours ago
An extraordinary misunderstanding lies at the heart of relativity, born in the overlooked distinction between the empirical verifiability of the two-way speed of light and the presumed isotropy of one-way light speed. What is this distinction exactly, and how might making it explicit shake the foundations of our entire paradigm of modern physics?

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References and Sources:

Einstein, Albert. (1905). "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies"

Reichenbach, Hans. (1927). "The Philosophy of Space and Time"

Mansouri, Reza & Sexl, Roman. (1977). "A test theory of special relativity: I. Simultaneity and clock synchronization." General Relativity and Gravitation. 8. 497-513. 10.1007/BF00762634.

Anderson, R., Vetharaniam, I., & Stedman, G.E. (1998). "Conventionality of synchronisation, gauge dependence and test theories of relativity." Physics Reports, 295, 93-180.

00:00 - Intro
01:06 - The Caveat to Einstein's Postulate
03:33 - The One-Way Speed of Light Problem
08:33 - The Epsilon Value
11:23 - The Loophole
14:07 - Invariance of Laws of Physics
16:17 - Absolute Simultaneity/Anisotropic Light
18:16 - New Directions
Einsteins Relativity contains a HUGE Loophole. Its Implications Cant Be Ignored.The River Model of General RelativityWhy Solutions to the Twin Paradox are WRONGThe Spacetime MetricWhy You Cant Travel Backwards in SpaceThe Geometry of a Black HoleDo Inertial Frames Resolve The Twin Paradox?

Einstein's Relativity contains a HUGE Loophole. Its Implications Can't Be Ignored. @dialectphilosophy