HealesMovies | EHA 2022 - 2.4. New Codes for Ageing and Ageing-Related Diseases in ICD11 of WHO (Daria Khaltourina) @HealesMovies | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 3 hours ago
New Codes for Ageing and Ageing-Related Diseases in the International Classification of Diseases 11 of the World Health Organization (Daria Khaltourina)

Daria Khaltourina is a board member of the International Longevity Alliance and Longevity Escape Velocity (LEV) Foundation. She works in the Russian Research Institute for Health of the Ministry of Health.

Daria works in the field of public health research and advocacy, including the promotion of longevity research.

She is currently working to advance biomedical R&D, especially in the treatment and prevention of aging pathologies. Currently, Daria is the coordinator of the Healthy Longevity direction of the Russian National Technological Initiative.

Daria worked with a group of scientists on the inclusion of aging and aging-related diseases in the International Classification of Diseases of the World Health Organization.
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EHA 2022 - 2.4. New Codes for Ageing and Ageing-Related Diseases in ICD11 of WHO (Daria Khaltourina) @HealesMovies