GETchan | 打倒刘少奇 - Down With Liu Shaoqi (Chinese Communist Song) @GETchan | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 2 hours ago
A song from the Cultural Revolution which denounces Liu Shaoqi, who was at the time known as "China's Khrushchev" and alongside Deng Xiaoping as "China's foremost capitalist-roaders". Any time his name was written, it was usually crossed out or defaced in some other way as a sign of disrespect. Calls for his removal were successful as he was removed from all his positions at the Twelfth Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 1968. He died a year later, but was rehabilitated by Deng Xiaoping's government in 1980. Since then this song has become a taboo in China, with no publicly-available digitisations of it online until this one. Audio digitised by me and cleaned by @REDERA.

Performer: Cultural Troupe of the Political Work Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force (中国人民解放军空军政治工作部文工团)
Year recorded: 1969
Source: Flexi-disc "热烈欢呼党的八届扩大的十二中全会公报发表 / 这次无产阶级文件大革命,是完全必要的,是非常及时的 / 迎接党的第九次全国代表大会 / 打倒刘少奇 / 党的八届扩大的十二中全会公报发出了伟大号召 / 紧跟伟大今宵毛主席奋勇前进"
Image: Poster "The renegade traitor and scab Liu Shaoqi must forever be expelled from the Party!" (把叛徒,内奸,工贼刘少奇永远开除出党!), 1967.
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打倒刘少奇 - Down With Liu Shaoqi (Chinese Communist Song) @GETchan