JSConf | Documentation: The Missing Pieces by Adrienne Tacke @jsconf_ | Uploaded 2 years ago | Updated 1 day ago
Document all the things, they say! But are we documenting for ALL the PEOPLE? It seems that most documentation is written for the intermediate and above devs, the devs who have been around, and the devs who are already comfortable with programming.

But what about the true beginners, the career-transitioners, or those crossing domains? Most documentation is certainly not written for them!

In this talk, we'll explore

Common oversights and assumptions most documentation has built-in by default
Techniques that make our documentation more approachable for all kinds of people
How to strengthen our technical writing skills to ensure, to the best of our ability, that every anticipated reader of our documentation never feels lost or frustrated.
By the end of this talk, you'll leave and never write documentation in the same way again...and that's a good thing!


About Adrienne:

Currently a Senior Developer Advocate for MongoDB, Adrienne Tacke is also a Filipina software engineer, speaker, published author of the book Coding for Kids: Python, and a LinkedIn Learning instructor who specializes in Cloud Development courses. Perhaps most important, however, is that she spends way too much money on desserts and ungodly amounts of time playing Cyberpunk 2077.
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Documentation: The Missing Pieces by Adrienne Tacke @jsconf_