Mozilla Hacks | Cross-browser extensions, available now in Firefox @mozhacks | Uploaded 7 years ago | Updated 19 hours ago
WebExtensions is the new way to build add-ons in Firefox. WebExtensions are written with standards-based web technologies HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and common APIs shared with other browsers in the name of interoperability, security, and modern architecture. It's easier than ever to create them, or port your existing extensions from Chrome - find out more at mzl.la/webextensions
Cross-browser extensions, available now in FirefoxLea Verou - HTML Re-imagined for the era of web appsMaking CSS From Good to Great - by HJ Chen - Mozilla Developer Roadshow - Taipei (Chinese)XR in the Browser, with Mozilla Mixed Reality - by Fabien Benetou | Mozilla Developer Roadshow EUDenise Graveline on Graceful Ways with Q & ACompiler Compiler - Part 1: Fixing a bugAnnouncing WASI: WebAssemblys standard system interfaceView Source 2018 - Lightning Talks6/7 Adding text and text effects to your WebVR scene with a few lines of codeMike Taylor  -  A case for browser-engine diversity...  - View Source 2019What are Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) & how are they special? | Web Demystified, Episode 4Mozilla Developer Roadshow Asia:  Web Security

Cross-browser extensions, available now in Firefox @mozhacks