oriOta | Clone Hero: Camellia feat. nanahira - Run Around the Character Code! @oriOta | Uploaded 4 years ago | Updated 21 hours ago

Behold! The Lyric Event Showcase!
After a long 13 hours of combined work, please enjoy a serving of 1507 lyric events and 573 phrases packed within less than four minutes of denpa craziness!

When this song was released in 2016, the old me scoured the internet for lyrics. I still wasn't very proficient at Japanese (at least compared to now; where I at least know grammar) plus nothing was being put up for a long time. Then suddenly, a couple of pictures showed (part of) the lyrics. Then I noticed the emoji. And the other special characters. Then Arabic.

"I'm fucked."

The amount of unicode in this song meant it would be a pain to copy online, which is why I couldn't find them even when the rest of the album's songs' lyrics were put up the following year. I gave up on figuring out the meaning to the song (unfortunately) for a while, just hoping someone would bring them up.

Camellia's server then opened. In one conversation I had with him, I brought up the lyrics of Amerikan Supar Lectyaa to see if I got one of the English phrases right. (I was right!) I eventually asked him for even more lyrics, specifically for this song because of the unicode problem. The madman fucking actually went and did it, but they were too long to post - so he ended up just giving me the original PDF! I also learned some interesting things, such as the original title being "Run Around the Unicode! ".

Then I finally made this chart and sent it to several streamers exactly two months before this video's release. Special thanks to Aren, Randy, and Acai (especially you for managing to tolerate nanahira and actually appreciate the work LOL) for playing this. I was originally going to post this when Alec put his video up, but I figured I might as well post this as soon as the VOD expires.

I never put special characters in my charts, and I've seen what happens if you try to input emoji into the lyric display. Then I got a brilliant idea. Here's an explanation of how everything works:

Clone Hero's lyric events can instantly hop from one phrase to another; the animation for switching phrases scales according to how much time there is between the last syllable of a phrase and the first syllable of the next one. (It used to be constant but was changed to be like this around v22...?) If a lyric, phrase_start, and another lyric event are close enough to each other, you can essentially switch to a new frame without the animation (if you're lucky, you might see it appear for only one frame). The animation is not instant if one lyric event is either missing or blank. The gap between them is 1/768, which is the minimum quantization in .chart files.

The quickest way to make these hops was for me to mark a phrase_start and lyric event at the same time. I'd then scroll through the .chart file manually and search for those. The event is marked with a number, representing position in 768ths. Say these two events are in position 69420; all I had to do was duplicate the lyric event and change their positions to 69419 and 69421. The position of their lines within the file didn't matter; loading it in Moonscraper and resaving it automatically arranges them in order. Whenever I wanted to cut the phrase in the middle, I simply jam the remainder of the phrase in the last syllable. To make an illusion of the phrase changing, I also jam the beginning of the phrase up until that point in the next syllable. Simple!

HTML tags [b], [i], [color], [br], and [size] work in Unity Rich Text if not properly sanitized. But with how a lot of charts are utilizing this in charter names and loading phrases, I doubt it will get fixed. Unfortunately, forward slashes don't appear in lyrics (which is why I used a lot of back slashes), so you can't close one in a lyric event; once you open one, it applies the tag to the rest of the phrase. This is how the bold text in the line "These feelings that I had to hide" were made. (In the actual lyrics, these are actually crossed out. As far as I know, [s] and [u] were patched.) Additionally, the solo uses a [br] tag to split one phrase into two lines! (You can't have three lines in one phrase, unfortunately.) = and " also don't work well (= turns into -, " can either be escaped or be replaced with ''), so the cursed hybrid [font size] tag is just there to echo the original lyric's [font size="-99"].

Original Japanese lyrics: https://pastebin.com/B5DZsuk9
English translation + notes/pronunciations: https://pastebin.com/M0dDb2eK

Camellia's website: https://cametek.jp/
nanahira's website: http://confetto.chu.jp/
Hitomasu Modoru on Twitter: https://twitter.com/00unit

From the album (3LEEP!): http://confetto.chu.jp/3leep/

DL: https://drive.google.com/open?id=14ZkRXJmiMatU1YiUYDlVpUeNI0qkGHFL
Clone Hero: Camellia feat. nanahira - Run Around the Character Code!incorruptible layout.

Clone Hero: Camellia feat. nanahira - Run Around the Character Code! @oriOta