CMI Video | Chimp-Human DNA: Less similar than previously reported @CMIVideo | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 1 day ago
Recent advances in technology allow a more accurate comparison of human to chimp DNA. The latest data supports a common Designer, not common ancestor.

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0:00 Intro
0:40 The original 99% similarity claim
1:17 Objections to the 99% claim
2:01 How the 99% claim was derived
5:19 Current state of genome mapping
8:48 Updated results
10:01 Updated results confirmed
11:20 Too much difference for human evolution
12:29 Why so similar?
13:52 Significant differences between chimps and humans
20:44 Genetic entropy
24:42 Darwin got it wrong
27:51 Resources for more details
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Chimp-Human DNA: Less similar than previously reported @CMIVideo