Artifexian | Build your own Anti-Tatooine (S-type Planetary Systems) @Artifexian | Uploaded 10 years ago | Updated 11 hours ago
How to create an s-type planetary system. Think of it kind of like the "anti-tatooine", a system where two suns orbit each other very far apart.

How to build a star: http://goo.gl/wfShvZ
Barycentre, Eccentricity and Separation: http://goo.gl/k8lL5b
Inner/Outer planetary Limits: http://goo.gl/L9K2b1
Forbidden Zone: http://goo.gl/UsxhY7
Planetary Systems: http://goo.gl/wTTSSq

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Artifexian on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Artifexian

EDIT: After uploading I spotted a mistake and would like to correct it here as it would save me re-uploading the whole thing again. At 0:31 I draw a less then or equals to symbol. This is incorrect. It should be a greater than or equal to symbol. Apologies.
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Build your own Anti-Tatooine (S-type Planetary Systems) @Artifexian