ColdFusion | BREAKTHROUGH: Scientists Reverse Blindness [CRISPR Technology] @ColdFusion | Uploaded 2 years ago | Updated 1 day ago
CRISPR Gene editing therapy is used for the first time in living humans with amazing results.

0:00 Introduction
0:53 What is CRISPR?
2:05 How Does CRISPR work?
3:18 The Experiment
5:30 The Results
9:31 Shortcomings
10:34 The Future
12:00 Caution
13:02 Conclusions

--- About ColdFusion ---
ColdFusion is an Australian based online media company independently run by Dagogo Altraide since 2009. Topics cover anything in science, technology, history and business in a calm and relaxed environment.

ColdFusion Discord: https://discord.gg/coldfusion

Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/3dj6YGjgK3eA4Ti6G2Il8H

ColdFusion Music Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGkpFfEMF0eMJlh9xXj2lMw

ColdFusion Merch:
INTERNATIONAL: https://store.coldfusioncollective.com/
AUSTRALIA: https://shop.coldfusioncollective.com/

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Bitcoin address: 13SjyCXPB9o3iN4LitYQ2wYKeqYTShPub8

--- "New Thinking" written by Dagogo Altraide ---
This book was rated the 9th best technology history book by book authority.
In the book youll learn the stories of those who invented the things we use everyday and how it all fits together to form our modern world.
Get the book on Amazon: http://bit.ly/NewThinkingbook
Get the book on Google Play: http://bit.ly/NewThinkingGooglePlay

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Research paper: https://journals.lww.com/retinajournal/_layouts/15/oaks.journals/downloadpdf.aspx?an=00006982-202105000-00002&pdfToken=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




My Music Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGkpFfEMF0eMJlh9xXj2lMw


Burn Water - Nostalgia Dreams

Luis Miehlich - I Tried To Reach Out (with Handbook of Magic)

Hiatus - As Close To Me As You Are Now

Roald Velden - Peaceful

Gem Club - First Weeks

Sleepyfish - Forgot It Was Monday

Nova Nova - See

Burn Water - Youth

Music I produce | http://burnwater.bandcamp.com or
Collection of music used in videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOrJJKW31OA

Producer: Dagogo Altraide
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BREAKTHROUGH: Scientists Reverse Blindness [CRISPR Technology] @ColdFusion