Pindex | Boris & Corbyn Fact-check Themselves on Brexit, Election. @Pindexsf | Uploaded 4 years ago | Updated 3 hours ago
Boris and Corbyn take truth serum and fact-check themselves on Brexit, the election, the NHS, education and police. Corbyn copies Boris’ bus trick.
The father of a sick child confront Boris and shatters his alternate reality.

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It’s 6 new hospitals Boris, not 40. Fact-check.org:

Boris Johnson’s tax policies. What would they cost and who would benefit. IFS:

Labour’s £500m NHS claim fact-checked:

The average European migrant arriving in the UK in 2016 will contribute £78,000 more than they take out in public services and benefits over their time spent in the UK. Oxford Economics:

Boris Johnson’s campaign claims fact-checked:

Brexit part 1 is here:

Brexit part 2:

Brexit part 3:

Brexit part 4:

Brexit Endgame: The $20T secret.

Stephen Fry's new book, Heroes:

Check out the new site for the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots (design and videos by our team): https://www.stopkillerrobots.org/
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Boris & Corbyn Fact-check Themselves on Brexit, Election. @Pindexsf