Looking Glass Universe | Announcing a new series of quantum videos @LookingGlassUniverse | Uploaded 6 years ago | Updated 3 hours ago
A short update video.

THE NEW SERIES HAS STARTED: https://youtu.be/8Dso6Fv1FUw

Here are the links to videos I've now made unlisted (this means that anyone with the link can view them, but they won't turn up in Youtube's search anymore).

The old old (!) videos on Quantum mechanics (from 5+ years ago):

The wave particle duality: https://youtu.be/zDQH5x7svfg
Superposition ft. Schrodinger's Cat: https://youtu.be/zDQH5x7svfg
What is a measurement?: https://youtu.be/KujEMGZGUTI
Quantum Eraser: https://youtu.be/XcZ3jI1Ph7A
Quantum Eraser explained: https://youtu.be/sQfSm6o-KlQ
Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser: https://youtu.be/MW-AemjSVGY
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle: https://youtu.be/ZpwZgOumTrs

New old series (from 3 years ago):
Introduction to quantum mechanics: https://youtu.be/b_ddt6J1Bio
The Wave Function: https://youtu.be/02eZMf17wFs
(I will unlist some of the others later as I upload more in this new series.)
Announcing a new series of quantum videosUnderstanding Quantum Mechanicsrainbow holograms with a diffraction grating🎄 Making an overly math-y (ugly) Christmas tree 🎄Dot in a laser beamThe meaning of the dot product | Linear algebra makes senseWhat math research feels like (for me)Matrices, matrix multiplication and linear transformations | Linear algebra makes senseA simple condition for when the matrix inverse exists | Linear algebra makes senseThe double slit experiment in a new lightPaper in front of a laserResolution of the two envelope fallacy

Announcing a new series of quantum videos @LookingGlassUniverse