Animation of Fragile X Syndrome  @fragilexaustralia
Animation of Fragile X Syndrome  @fragilexaustralia
fragilexaustralia | Animation of Fragile X Syndrome @fragilexaustralia | Uploaded 12 years ago | Updated March 24 2023
Watch this short 3D animation to gain a simple understanding of how the genetics of Fragile X syndrome works and how it is passed down through the generations of a family in both carrier and full mutation status.

Fragile X Syndrome is the leading cause of inherited intellectual disability and the most common single gene cause of autism. It is estimated that 1 in 120 women and 180 men carry the gene worldwide which can be discovered via a simple blood test. For more information contact the Fragile X Association of Australia on 1300 394 636
Animation of Fragile X Syndrome @fragilexaustralia

Animation of Fragile X Syndrome @fragilexaustralia