Cottereau | Animated map shows every European town in 46 seconds @Cottereau1 | Uploaded 4 years ago | Updated 1 hour ago
This map was inspired by the works of an awesome Reddit user known as "SuperMac". He published gorgeous density maps. I couldn't help but to use this style and make it a timelapse.

All the credit goes to those guys:

Data: https://www.geonames.org/ (Places, coordinates, population)

Music by Rousseau: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M93qXQWaBdE
Animated map shows every European town in 46 secondsAssembling the World by Alcohol Consumption500 Greatest Generals in History: 400-301Top 10 Most Subscribed YouTube Channels (2011-2019)500 Greatest Generals in History: 200-101Assembling France by Average Income100 Largest Empires in History100 Most Powerful Militaries of All Time

Animated map shows every European town in 46 seconds @Cottereau1