City of David | After 150 years: Archaeologists in the City of David uncover a monumental fortification @cityofdavidsite | Uploaded 1 month ago | Updated 18 hours ago
in the City of David in the Jerusalem Walls National Park, archaeologists from the Antiquities Authority and Tel Aviv University have discovered a huge fortification moat, at least nine meters deep and at least 30 meters wide.

Throughout the last 150 years, many attempts have been made to identify the moat, and now it has been revealed for the first time. The moat was designed to protect the upper city where the temple and the palace were located, and to separate it from the lower city.

The discovery will be on display to the public at the "Jerusalem Studies Experience" Conference of the City of David, taking place at the beginning of August in Jerusalem.

@IsraelAntiquities @telavivuniversity

Editing: Elyihau Yanai

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After 150 years: Archaeologists in the City of David uncover a monumental fortification @cityofdavidsite