crytek5000 | A96Q3EW4B8 @crytek5000 | Uploaded 14 years ago | Updated 13 hours ago
you've found the next clue!

if you don't know where the treasure hunt starts, just play my treasure hunting level on this game: http://www.kongregate.com/games/Jiggmin/platform-racing-2

my username on that game is the same name as on here.

you've found the next clue. look at my comment for this video.


if you cant find my comment, send me a message on youtube or PR2 and I will tell you the clue.
A96Q3EW4B8Forest BattleAlgodoo: how to upload scenesBattleship [Official Clean Trailer] MAY 2012a short lego/transformers film. starring a guy and rampageDarknessmy dog Daisy 2!Brother HuntingThe Gleanings Monster Massicure PART 1 of 8Time Travel for DummiesAlgodoo on Crack (based on Stick Figures on Crack)phun wheel of fortune

A96Q3EW4B8 @crytek5000