Dark5 | 5 Strangest Post WW2 Discoveries @dark5tv | Uploaded 3 years ago | Updated 1 day ago
Five years after the end of World War II, a 32-year-old Japanese woman in Anatahan Island signaled a nearby US patrol boat cruising near the beach. As the woman surrendered, she told authorities that she had been living alone on the island with several castaways; 31 to be exact.

Kazuko Higa lived with her husband Kukuichiro on the tiny Anatahan Island near the Marianas. One day in 1945, 31 survivors from three wrecked Japanese boats swam ashore, and for three years the couple cohabited the 2-by-5-mile island with the castaways. That is, until her husband was murdered.

The widow then took up with one of the other men. She would later tell the press that: (QUOTE) “I felt lonely.”

But her new lover would be drowned 20 days later, and she was then forced to live with the man who had attacked her husband. Kazuko said: (QUOTE) "At first I repelled him coldly (...) I couldn't really love him." That man would also be attacked, and Kazuko moved from one lover to another.

Once Japan had made peace with America, the US Navy sought to inform the holdouts that the war was over, but they thought it was a trick and continued with their day-to-day activities such as training with the few machine guns they had on the beach.

Kazuko eventually got tired of her circumstances and ran away from her current partner. She then signaled a US patrol boat and asked to be rescued. The woman surrendered to the US authorities in 1950, and the remainder of the men on the island held out for another year before also surrendering.

When rumors started circulating that six men had perished because of her, she indignantly replied that: "Actually, only two died because of me. One was shot and the other was stabbed."
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5 Strangest Post WW2 Discoveries @dark5tv