Dark5 | 5 Darkest Secrets From Inside North Korea @dark5tv | Uploaded 3 years ago | Updated 1 day ago
In September 2016, a 5.3-magnitude earthquake rocked the Punggye-ri area of North Korea. Intelligence satellites picked up evidence of a 10-kiloton underground nuclear test explosion, and experts believed North Korea could have been deliberately stressing seismic fault lines in the region. The suspicions only grew after a 5.4-magnitude earthquake struck South Korea only three days later...

Mount Paektu, a sacred volcano in North Korea, is responsible for one of the largest eruptions in modern history. Roughly a millennium afterward, world officials are still worried that North Korea’s nuclear testing in underground facilities might set it off with catastrophic consequences.

The explosion that happened on par with the 5.3-magnitude earthquake took place merely 75 miles from the volcano. Over 1.6 million people live within those 62 miles.

The 5.4-magnitude earthquake in South Korea three days later was the strongest one the nation had suffered since the 1970s. Even though experts claim North Korea could have been stressing seismic fault lines, it is unclear whether the detonation and the seismic activities in both nations were related.

Mount Paektu has been exposed to at least 10 earthquakes between 2016 and 2018. As the Chinese share the volcano with North Korea, they have worried for years that Kim Jong Un’s actions might cause an eruption.

It would probably take more than 50 kilotons to induce a volcanic eruption, five times the magnitude of the 2016 explosion. But each nuclear test has been constantly escalating, adding to the tensions between the socialist state and the United States.

In an unprecedented move, North Korea later invited Western scientists to study volcano activity after suspicious bulges were noticed, but the threat still remains...
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5 Darkest Secrets From Inside North Korea @dark5tv