Simona NonSoloRAdio | 2023 18 10 Vinyl cantautori @SimonaNonSoloRAdio | Uploaded 11 months ago | Updated 1 day ago
This video is part of a radio program that airs from Monday to Friday and is intended for entertainment and news from Italy and the world.
Let's have a respectful discussion and enjoy the context responsibly

Oggi voglio presentarvi un paio di storie di cantautori italiani e di come negli anni '70 del secolo scorso, cantassero la loro contestazione anche contro alcuni burocroti, talent scout, critici musicali e dirigenti di case discografiche dell'epoca.
Oggi forse, la mia generazione, non sempre capisce il disagio che i giovani esprimono attraverso la musica di oggi..
Ma come diceva un certo qualcuno, "non che i giovani di oggi non abbiano dei valori, ma hanno dei valori che forse noi non siamo ancora riusciti a comprendere bene, forse perch siamo troppo affezionati ai nostri".
Today I want to present to you a couple of stories of Italian singer-songwriters and how in the 70s of the last century, they sang their protest even against some bureaucrats, talent scouts, music critics and record company executives of the time.
Today, perhaps, my generation does not always understand the discomfort that young people express through today's music.
But as a certain someone said, "it's not that today's young people don't have values, but they have values that perhaps we haven't yet managed to understand well, perhaps because we are too fond of our own".
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2023 18 10 Vinyl cantautori @SimonaNonSoloRAdio