The origin of Yin and Yang.mandarin 19712013-03-14 | The origin of Yin and Yang has a connection with the creation story. For more check persons under a shelter (clothes in Chinese)mandarin 19712020-03-28 | The charcter for clothes in Chinese 衣 originally of two persons 人 and 人 under a shelter 入. The shelter har the meaning "to come in". The shelter was the skin of the sacrificed animal that gave Adam and Eve forgiveness.Adam and Eden separated. An 18 second animation.mandarin 19712020-03-15 | The first character is 黄 that has the meaning yellow. It is also an abbreviation of the Yellow Emperor. I believe it is Adam that had got authority of the garden of Eden. I believe the Chinese had all the knowledge of Adam that we now have.
The other character is 异. It is not such a common character today. It has the meaning: not the same, different, dissimilar, strange, bizarre, unusual, extraordinary, surprising, astonishing, other, another, separate, part, divide.
I see Adam standing outside of the garden of Eden. Placed in another, strange, unusual sitoation separated from Eden.Where do ♂ and ♀ originate?mandarin 19712020-03-01 | The Origin of ♂ and ♀ is to find in the Oracle Bone Character of 幸The dollar sign - its origin 弗mandarin 19712020-02-29 | Accordning to the literature, 弗 was written as a double barred dollar sign. My belief is that because the character was frequently used, it took too long a time to write the two trees. The two trees (树 shu4) were simplified to two vertical lines (竖 shu4).
The character 弗 has the meaning NOT, CANNOT and SHOULD NOT.My view on 大mandarin 19712020-02-22 | How 大 originally was writtengod in ancient china part 11mandarin 19712020-02-05 | I show you what connection there are between 千 and 吊 and what message they have from the pre flood world.god in ancient china part 10mandarin 19712020-02-04 | The scolars think that 幸 is a picture of ancient handcuffs. That is because they do not know their own history. It is obvioue that 幸 is made up of two 大, one upside down.god in ancient china part 9mandarin 19712020-02-03 | Outside the Museum of Chinese Characters in Henan Anyang is a big character. I here tell about what it has to say.Dynamic Bible Genealogy - Adam to Abrahammandarin 19712020-02-01 | Who lived at the same time?god in ancient china part 8mandarin 19712020-01-30 | Many Chinese characters were originally pictograms. A character could also have two or more pictograms in it telling a story. Here I analyse two really old Chinese charcaters called Oracle Bones.god in ancient china part 7mandarin 19712020-01-29 | It was not actually a hell of a ride. It was a ride to hell.god in ancient china part 6mandarin 19712020-01-28 | What kind of clothes did Adam and Eve have before the fall of man? The old Chinese language has a lot of interesting things to reveal.god in ancient china part 5mandarin 19712020-01-27 | Why do so many Chinese characters have one or two trees in them. I tell the story about the origin of Chinese characters and how it also is a story of the origin of mankind.Dynamic Bible Genealogy - Adam to Abraham in 1 minutemandarin 19712020-01-25 | The first 2000 years of mankind history in just 1 minute.god in ancient china part 4mandarin 19712020-01-23 | What did God say to the serpant? It is all written in the Chinese characters.god in ancient china part 3mandarin 19712020-01-22 | These characters are all Oracle Bone Script. I am interpeting their origins in ligth of world history according to the Bible.god in ancient china part 2mandarin 19712020-01-21 | The Chinese character 田 seems to have its origin in the story of creation in the Bible.god in ancient china part 1mandarin 19712020-01-20 | Where does the character ♂ and ♀ originate from? How does it connect to YIN and YANG? This is the story about the origin. In the Chinese characters.The Creation Story in the Chinese Charactersmandarin 19712020-01-20 | Here 9 Chinese characters that tell the story of Adam and Eve. The characters are those that the Chinese used for 3000 years ago. The modern characters are also visible.Yin Yang - ursprungmandarin 19712019-05-10 | Ursprunget till tecknen ♂ och ♀Får och oxarmandarin 19712019-05-08 | Får och oxar har i de kinesiska tecknen en hemlighet få känner till.Will Jesus return year 2032 ?mandarin 19712019-05-07 | The number 14 is important when this period is mentioned for Abraham, Isac, Jacob and Joseph. Nothing is for coincidence.sköldpadda 2018mandarin 19712019-05-04 | Kineserna skrev sina tecken på bland annat sköldpaddsskal för se så där en drygt 3000 år sen. Här förklarar jag vilket av sköldpaddans två skal som de använde.god in ancient china part 12mandarin 19712019-05-01 | What could be the origin of the character 人Människans ursprung (Swedish version)mandarin 19712019-04-28 | De kinesiska tecknen såg ursprungligen ut så här. Jag berättar här om ursprunget till tecknet människa. Sammanlagt berör jag fem tecken.人的起源 (Chinese verion)mandarin 19712019-04-27 | The Origin of Chinese CharactersBibeln och de kinesiska tecknen (Swedish)mandarin 19712016-06-04 | The Bible and the Chinese Characters (in Swedish language)God in Ancient Chinamandarin 19712015-05-22 | The Chinese seemed to have known about Adam and Eve. Here I show you a few old Chinese characters (so called Oracle Bones) that tells the story from the Bible.
For more see www.mandarin.fiAdam in the Oracle Bones 3mandarin 19712015-05-19 | Adam in the Chinese characters 3Adam in the Oracle Bones 2mandarin 19712015-05-19 | Adan in the Chinese charcters 2Adam in the Oracle Bones 1mandarin 19712015-05-19 | Adam in the Chinese characters 1The snake in the ancient mythologymandarin 19712013-03-21 | The word IT in "IT IS.." originally had the meaning SNAKE! Why? I here explain why. For more check was 930 and Noah was 950mandarin 19712013-03-21 | The Chinese knew that people before the flood of Noah lived until they were about 900 years old. We can see it in the Chinese characters of today. For more check message about the two Adam in the Chinese characters.mandarin 19712013-03-15 | There is a Chinese character 幸 from which I believe Yin and Yang has originated. This charcter is a few other frequent characters. I here give my view about the original meaning of these characters. For more check original meaning of Chinese characters - part 10mandarin 19712013-03-12 | The Chinese knew about the two Adams long before Paul wrote about them. The Chinese have been waiting for a Savior to come into the world. The message is in the old Chinese characters. For more check original meaning of Chinese characters - part 9mandarin 19712013-03-11 | What has the fall of man to do with the Chinese ancient book called "The Book of Changes" or "I Ching"? Let me introduce it through the old Chinese characters the oracle bone script. For more check original meaning of Chinese characters - part 8mandarin 19712013-03-11 | The real proof that the characters 大, 屰, 辛, 舌, 言, 羊, 牛 and 羔 all have something in common. I claim they are all originated from the knowledge the Chinese had in the beginning of mankind after the flood. For more check original meaning of Chinese characters - part 7mandarin 19712013-03-10 | When Adam sinned the world turned upside down. Here some of the consequences of the fall of man, according to the old Chinese characters. We will examine 大, 屰, 辛, 舌, 言, 羊, 牛 and 羔. For more check original meaning of Chinese characters - part 6mandarin 19712013-03-09 | This year is the snake in the Chinese zodiac. The snake was familiar to the first Chinese because there are a lot of snakes in the Chinese characters. The personal pronoun IT originally had the meaning SERPENT. For more check original meaning of Chinese characters - part 5mandarin 19712013-03-09 | These three Chinese characters made up of the women are together telling the whole Bible story of creation, fall of man and the salvation through Jesus Christ. They are 妥, 婪 and 好. For more check original meaning of Chinese characters - part 4mandarin 19712013-03-08 | The story of Genesis is written in the Chinese characters. Adam was created in the image of God. Eve got desire to eat of the forbidden fruit. For more check original meaning of Chinese characters - part 3mandarin 19712013-03-07 | The creation Adam and Eve according to the Chinese characters. Adam was created in the image of God. Eve was a suitable helper for the man. For more check original meaning of Chinese characters - part 2mandarin 19712013-03-07 | Adam was created in the image of God. The Chinese knew about this and there are two characters that tells this story, 大 and 天. For more check original meaning of Chinese characters - part 1mandarin 19712013-03-06 | I will explain the original meaning of some well known Chinese characters. I use the oldest version of the characters which I have been studying for several years. Today I explane the two characters 大 and 屰. For more check