Chandra X-ray Observatory | Universe of Sound: Data to Music Translation @ChandraXray | Uploaded 10 months ago | Updated 1 day ago
The Universe of Sound data sonification project started out as a way to translate data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and other NASA telescopes into sound, particularly for our community members who are blind or low vision. Working with our partners at SYSTEM Sounds, the project uses mathematical mappings to assign digital sounds to the pixel values of the NASA data (learn more about our sonifications here). A frequent question we get, however, when presenting this sonification work is from musicians who ask if they can play the data.

Our Galactic Center sonification, using data from NASA’s Chandra, Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes, is one of the first pieces we have translated into a composition with sheet music. Working with the composer Sophie Kastner, we have created a soundscape that can now be played by musicians.

For more information, visit: https://chandra.si.edu/sound/symphony.html
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Universe of Sound: Data to Music Translation @ChandraXray