Watch robots build houses at incredible speed. 3D printing meets AI.Pindex2021-04-03 | 3D printed houses are rising around the world. They're cheaper, smarter, better for the environment and promise to help tackle homelessness.
A 3D printed heart, using a patient's cells: $100b plan with 70% risk of killing us all w Stephen FryPindex2024-07-18 | AI, robots, the Pentagon and OpenAI, w Stephen Fry. Visit Ground News to compare news coverage, spot media bias and avoid algorithms. Try it today and get 40% off your subscription at
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How Great Power Competition Is Making AI Existentially Dangerous Harvard International Review:
Current and former OpenAI staff warn about advanced artificial intelligence
Help create a consensus for nuclear disarmament, by supporting us at It works - we've made two previous videos calling for disarmament, reaching over 5 million viewers, with over 95% likes (on two channels).
EMO, the AI desktop pet: will dwarf covid, and its far more deadly, w Stephen Fry.Pindex2021-12-19 | A more deadly pandemic emerges and US corporations buy the NHS.
Harvard study finds fossil fuel air pollution causes 1 in 5 deaths.
Koko and Robin Williams: Exposes A Group Behind Covid, Brexit & Climate, w Stephen Fry.Pindex2021-10-02 | AI connects covid, Brexit, climate and a major global threat that leaders are scared to talk about.
Voiced by Stephen Fry
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The full video of the puppies being rescued: Too Dangerous To Release, Tells Clever Jokes.Pindex2021-05-22 | How AI and Quantum computing will upgrade your car, phone, and body.
Voiced by Stephen Fry
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What is an ion trap quantum computer? Meat Is Now 10X More Deadly, w Stephen FryPindex2021-02-24 | A threat eclipsing coronavirus. A message for Mr Johnson.
Voiced by Stephen Fry
90% are exposed to air pollution (WHO) and fossil fuel air pollution alone is linked to 18% of all deaths globally (Harvard).
Red and processed meats increase cancer risk. Harvard study:
Our video on existential threats, including pandemics: $1.2 trillion nuclear plan that could kill 90% of humanity. w Stephen Fry.Pindex2021-01-23 | The US will soon review its nuclear weapons programme. Should it spend $1.2 Trillion extending and updating it?
"Engineers have overcome challenges including temperatures of over 2000 degrees..." Hypersonic Missile Nonproliferation, The RAND Corporation:
The Doomsday clock, by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists: and Success. A Surprising Fact, w Stephen Fry. It Might Explain Your Life.Pindex2020-12-12 | Kids hilarious views on marriage help explain the extraordinary success of children raised by gay parents.
We'll add more soon.The $5,200,000,000,000 Trick Killing More Than Covid, w Stephen Fry.Pindex2020-11-21 | A powerful trick is forcing governments to keep quiet about a toxic threat that's killing more than Coronavirus.
The film references Michael Moore’s film Planet of The Humans, which claims that renewable energy isn't the answer to climate change. We don’t point out all the problems with the film, so if you watch it, we recommend checking the facts via independent sources.
Scientists expect a 3 degree temperature increase will happen even if countries meet their commitments under the Paris climate agreement.
Renewable energy sources emit up to 50g of C02 per kWh, over their lifetime, compared to around 1000g for coal and 475 for natural gas. Study by the National Renewable Energy Lab:
Air pollution nearly doubles the risk of dementia in parts of the US. Study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA:
Economists agree that if temperatures rise by 3 degrees, it will plunge the world’s economy into a deep depression, or worse. Institute for Policy Integrity: 75% also said that a carbon tax was the most efficient way to tackle climate change.
IMF global temperature estimates. How carbon taxes could prevent climate change.
Australia’s brief carbon tax worked, and after it was removed, electricity prices rose:
Jordan Klepper interviews with Trump supporters: $8 Trillion Mistake Could Kill 100%, w Stephen Fry. AI Is Watching.Pindex2020-09-24 | Experts warned that a pandemic was inevitable. Preparing would have cost the US around $1billion. Instead, it will now cost $8 trillion, and over 200,000 deaths.
We explore the greatest existential threats - AI, nuclear and biological - and how coronavirus points to our extinction.
Is AI a species-level threat to humanity? Max Tegmark, Elon Musk, Michio Kaku, Steven Pinker. I Would Love To Be Black, Because... w Stephen Fry.Pindex2020-09-04 | Trump says he’d love to be black, and the reason he gives shows more than racism. It points to hidden tricks behind his wealth, and the shocking wealth gap between black and white families.
How racist is America? Research has uncovered a surprising answer, which might change the way you see the black lives matter protests.
Voiced by Stephen Fry
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Fox News viewers are less informed than people who don't watch any news. Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind survey.
Trump and The Dunning-Kruger Effect: Wild Secret. Free Guy, VR & AR, w Stephen FryPindex2020-07-15 | Free Guy (Ryan Reynolds), and Half-Life: Alyx show why virtual reality will be a tech revolution like no other. VR and AR will transform our lives, and our perspectives on the racism and police violence that Trump fuels.
We'll add more soon.Theres never been a president that... w Stephen FryPindex2020-06-16 | Your greatest risk of death might surprise you, and there's a good chance you can prevent it. Plus, new research shows how to end the coronavirus pandemic.
Global Coronavirus Research gathered by the WHO:
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Global Coronavirus Research gathered by the WHO:
Bill Gates on Spanish Flu Food and Surfaces. w Stephen FryPindex2020-03-25 | How can we stay safe from Coronavirus? Why is it spreading so fast? And how long does it survive on food and surfaces?
Research points to two very different futures, and shows how to avoid a situation like Italy.
Infection rate, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: AI Will Seduce You. w Stephen FryPindex2020-02-01 | When and how will AI come to life? How will we know it's conscious? Which part of you is consciously reading this? Could the internet already have some level of consciousness? And how anonymous google employees could save us.
The True Turing Test: & Corbyn Fact-check Themselves on Brexit, Election.Pindex2019-11-26 | Boris and Corbyn take truth serum and fact-check themselves on Brexit, the election, the NHS, education and police. Corbyn copies Boris’ bus trick. The father of a sick child confront Boris and shatters his alternate reality.
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Extensive Brexit facts at If you're a UK citizen, please send it to your MP (you can find their email via the link above).
Check out the new site for the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots (design and videos by our team): Food & How To Add Seven Years To Your Life. Stephen Fry on New Quantum Tech.Pindex2019-11-06 | Which foods and hobbies make you smarter and protect you from dementia? And how thinking like Will Smith can add 7 years to your life. A major breakthrough in quantum tech allows us to see brain activity in far greater detail than ever before.
For an infographic on the best way to sharpen your brain and protect against Alzheimer's and dementia, visit where you can support us and enjoy exclusive videos.
TMS activated a neural network which acted as a backup: Study by Professor Marcel Just, Carnegie Mellon University
More sources coming soon!Quantum Supremacy & AI, with Stephen Fry.Pindex2019-10-28 | How Quantum AI could help you live to 200, like a bowhead whale. Google's quantum supremacy news opens exciting doors. A quantum computer completed a task in 200 seconds that would take 10,000 years on today's fastest supercomputer. We explore the special connection between quantum computers and AI. Together, they will change everything.
Voiced by Stephen Fry
For an extended version, touching on Elon Musk's neural lace, visit where you can support us and enjoy exclusive videos.
A.I. learns to walk, by Code Bullet: Secret Brexit Deal, w Stephen FryPindex2019-09-26 | Boris' real Brexit deal, and how the greatest illusion of our time quietly transfers your money to the super rich. The truth is hidden by Boris, Brexit, Trump, and the trade war.
Plus, we hand Boris a special award.
Voiced by Stephen Fry.
For Boris' full speech, and other exclusive videos, visit where you can help stop Brexit and Trump.
Will add more soon!Why Trumps Racist Tweets Work, w Stephen Fry.Pindex2019-08-18 | How our brains explain our reactions to Trump's racism and Boris' anti-immigrant Brexit BS. Why Trump's racist tweets trigger his supporters, and a girl with half a brain who holds the they key to uniting us over Trump and Brexit.
Join us and help fight misinformation in US and UK politics at You'll also find an infographic on how to improve your clarity of thought and cut your risk of dementia in half.
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Increasing political polarisation, Pew Research:
More coming soon...A Woman Begs People Not To Call An Ambulance. UK vs US Healthcare, w Stephen Fry.Pindex2019-07-19 | Will Boris and Trump privatise the NHS? How much would medicare for all cost in the US? Which healthcare system is most likely to save you? Killer facts are hidden by carefully constructed illusions.
Voiced by Stephen Fry.
Please sign the petition to keep the NHS out of any US trade deal:
Visit us on patreon for a new infographic on how to improve your clarity of thought and cut your risk of dementia in half:
Administrative spending as a percentage of healthcare expenditure: Endgame - The $20T Secret, with Stephen Fry.Pindex2019-05-18 | How will wealthy Brexiteers profit from Brexit? The surprising truth about the world's most secretive tax network for the wealthy, and why it needs Boris' no-deal Brexit.
Plus, we hand the Brexit Party a rather unfortunate award.
Voiced by Stephen Fry.
Please join us, help fight misinformation and get exclusive previews and content:
Extensive Brexit facts at If you're a UK citizen, please send it to your MP (you can find their email via the link above).
Sources: The Financial Secrecy Index ranks jurisdictions according to their secrecy and the scale of their offshore financial activities. A politically neutral ranking, it is a tool for understanding global financial secrecy, tax havens or secrecy jurisdictions, and illicit financial flows or capital flight.
Check out the new site for the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots (design and videos by our team): What Britain Wants, with Stephen FryPindex2019-04-07 | MP's and pundits have been misrepresenting public opinion. What do the polls show? And how accurate are they?
Voiced by Stephen Fry.
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Check out the new site for the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots (design and videos by our team): The Hidden Danger of Chlorinated Chicken. With Stephen FryPindex2019-03-26 | Why does the US have far higher rates of foodborne disease than the UK? Is chlorinated chicken safe? And will it be legalised in the UK as part of a US trade deal?
Voiced by Stephen Fry
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Other sources shown in the video and we'll post more links soon.
Check out the new site for the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots (design and videos by our team): 3: Globalists vs Nationalists, with Stephen Fry. Facts, Illusions and Hidden Threats.Pindex2019-02-26 | Are nationalists really just racists? Or are globalists simply corporate sellouts? There are dark truths, strange surprises and true threats lurking in the shadows.
In Brexit part 3, we explore Trump’s nationalism, an alarming problem with the English identity, illusions about nationalists and globalists, and what it all means for Brexit.
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Check out the new site for the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots (design and videos by our team): 2: May & Trump vs Truth, with Stephen FryPindex2019-01-14 | Who profits from the hate around Brexit and Trump’s border wall of lies?
Brexit 2 uncovers the true threat to democracy and why a new public vote is the best defence.
Undocumented immigration and crime rates (Light and Miller, published in the journal Criminology):
If your charity, NGO or exceptional product needs a video, please get in touch at
Check out the new site for the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots (design and videos by our team): Facts vs Fear, with Stephen Fry.Pindex2018-11-30 | How Boris conjured a mythical EU dragon and the striking truth behind it all.
A trick of forced perspective put fear in the way of facts.
Check out the new site for the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots (design and videos by our team): AI, w Stephen Fry. A Short Film.Pindex2018-09-08 | An AI expert discovers he is living in a simulation and faces a stark choice.
Escape is a short film exploring simulation theory, free will and why knowledge is freedom.
Voiced by Stephen Fry and Hugh Mitchell.
Subscribe for more science videos and short films.
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Hugh Mitchell: far could a Tesla Roadster fly?Pindex2018-04-26 | Could the incredible Tesla Roadster become the first truly great flying car?
We’ve designed a flight module to see how far a pure electric version could fly.
Autonomous eVTOL flying cars could be surprisingly affordable.
Huge thanks to aerospace experts Lochie Ferrier (MIT) and Richard Glassock (Aerospace Technology Centre, Nottingham University).
Will Batteries Power The World (Minute Physics)? your FQ? Fake news and the freedom quotient.Pindex2017-11-29 | Exploring fake news and Trump's FQ (Freedom Quotient), which may drive him to spread hate.The Dunning-Kruger Effect.Pindex2017-05-07 | Strange illusions shape Trumps views. In trying to protect America, he may unleash a killer that already claims 200,000 lives each year.
This bias helps explain why Trump has left the Paris Climate Agreement, with potentially disastrous implications for climate change.
Voiced by Stephen Fry.
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MIT study on the impact of air pollution:
Jonathan Levy, a professor of environmental health at Boston University: “A public-health burden of this magnitude clearly requires significant policy attention... We have certainly invested significant societal resources to address far smaller impacts on public health.” is a pinboard for learning. If you're a teacher, there are many engaging Science, History and English boards ready to assign, with quizzes and rewards.Will AI make us immortal, or extinct? w Stephen FryPindex2017-02-04 | Will AI bring immortality or extinction? Narrated by Stephen Fry, exploring predictions by Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking, Ray Kurzweil and Nick Bostrom.
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