The Temple InstituteArchaeologist Hillel Richman, Senior Researcher and Past Supervisor, Ancient Jerusalem Sifting Project and Temple Mount Sifting Project, refutes the spurious theories claiming that the Temple Mount was in any other place other than Mount Moriah, with an emphasis on the 'City of David' theory, while providing incontrovertible historical and archaeological proof that the Holy Temple was, and will be, located on what is today referred to as the Temple Mount.
This teaching was recorded on November 7, 2018, in Rogers, Arkansas.
Filmed and edited by James Long, Lightcatcher Productions.
Hillel Richman: The True Location of the Temple MountThe Temple Institute2018-12-03 | Archaeologist Hillel Richman, Senior Researcher and Past Supervisor, Ancient Jerusalem Sifting Project and Temple Mount Sifting Project, refutes the spurious theories claiming that the Temple Mount was in any other place other than Mount Moriah, with an emphasis on the 'City of David' theory, while providing incontrovertible historical and archaeological proof that the Holy Temple was, and will be, located on what is today referred to as the Temple Mount.
This teaching was recorded on November 7, 2018, in Rogers, Arkansas.
Filmed and edited by James Long, Lightcatcher Productions.
Visit us: Become a fan on facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Look for us on Instagram: Weekly Newsletter: Torah Study: ChukatThe Temple Institute2024-07-11 | The power of persuasion must be applied responsibly and patiently. This is what Moshe learned the hard way when he struck, not once, but twice, the rock that he was instructed by G-d to simply talk to, no violent acts of force necessary. Moshe's momentary lapse of focus angered HaShem, causing Moshe and Aharon to lose their opportunity to enter into Canaan.
Chukat (Numbers 19:1 - 22:1) Parashat Chukat is read on Shabbat: Tammuz 7, 5784/July 13, 2024
The detailed instructions concerning the ashes of the red heifer which opens parashat Chukat, divides Israel's wilderness experience between the first two years and the final and fortieth year in the wilderness. Miriam passes away, Moshe and Aharon receive bad news and wars erupt as Israel moves closer to the promised land!
Chukat (Numbers 19:1 - 22:1) Parashat Chukat is read on Shabbat: Tammuz 7, 5784/July 13, 2024
"For lack of vision a people lose restraint, But happy is he who heeds instruction,." (Proverbs 29:18) is a perfect description of Korach and the rebellion he led. A bellicose populist, and overreaching Korach inflamed his followers to challenge not only Moshe and Aharon, but G-d Himself! His manipulative use of mob rule and the price he and his followers paid is a harsh lesson for today!
Visit us: Become a fan on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Look for us on Instagram: Weekly Newsletter: Telegram: Torah Study: ShelachThe Temple Institute2024-06-27 | As human beings we enjoy freedom of thought. We can think what we want and nobody has to know. But our mind tends to wander and we can easily find our thoughts in the employ of outside forces, or just plain wandering. The Torah proposes a low tech solution to keep our minds in check and our thoughts focused.
Shelach (Numbers 13:1 - 15:41) Parashat Shelach is read on Shabbat: Sivan 23, 5784/June 29, 2024
Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel 22:01 - 28:32
Prayer for the Well-Being of the Israel Defense Forces 28:32 - 33:12
Prayer for the Safety of IDF Soldiers and the Return of Israelis being held in captivity in Gaza 33:12 - 33:57
Acheinu Kol Beit Yisrael 33:57Temple Talk: Israel Today & the Bitter Lessons of the Past!The Temple Institute2024-06-25 | The Sin of the Spies & the Deadly Plunge into Negativity!
The Land G-d Promised is Very, Very Good!
Israel hits rock bottom as the ill advised spy mission goes awry in the most catastrophic way imaginable. Do we trust HaShem or do we not? This question is as relevant today as it was in the time of the spies. We must be the children of Calev and Yehoshua and take possession of the land and never let go!
This week's parashat Beha'alotcha is chock-full of Temple content: Kindling the menorah, consecrating the Levites, second Passover, silver trumpets, the Ark of the Covenant... you name it! Perhaps this is all a timely reminder of the real issue behind all the headlines: who in the world is on the side of the G-d of Israel and who is not!
Visit us: Become a fan on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Look for us on Instagram: Weekly Newsletter: Telegram: Torah Study: NasoThe Temple Institute2024-06-13 | Is the modern world's promotion of individuality, of everyone doing their own thing and "finding" themselves leading us away from G-d? While the Israelites were indeed blessed with the achievements of many unique individuals, sometimes what G-d desired was for the people to put their individuality aside and instead act in unison and conformity
Naso (Numbers 4:21 - 7:89) Parashat Naso is read on Shabbat: Sivan 9, 5784/June 15, 2024
This week began with the blessedly uplifting news of the heroic rescue of four Israelis held hostage in Gaza, and tonight we celebrate the holiday of Shavuot, the Festival of the Firstfruits and the Holiday of Matan Torah - receiving Torah at Mount Sinai! Parashat Naso, which we read this coming Shabbat is focused on the desert Tabernacle, certain ceremonies which take place within it and the beloved priestly blessing!
The Hallel prayer was sung in the Heichal Shlomo's Renanim Beit Knesset in the heart of Jerusalem. This film is made up of video clips taken by members of the audience and graciously shared with us.
Parashat Bamidbar: Preparing to Enter the land of Canaan!
Joe Biden has proven over and over again that he is dead set on the destruction of Israel. Every policy that he attempts to impose on Israel, every surrender that he demands of Israel in its existential war against savage genocidal terrorists funded by the very same fascists government of Iran that Biden insists on playing footsie with, is intended to bring Israel to its knees and and pave the way for the genocide of the Jews of Israel. Biden is a pyromaniac obsessed with the burning of Israel.
Today, the eve of Jerusalem Day, celebrating the 1967 liberation and reunification of Israel's ancient capital Jerusalem, is a good time to remember G-d's promise that those who bless Israel will be blessed and those that curse Israel will be cursed. Joe, you've made your choice.
Israel signed a contract with HaShem at Sinai and we must keep our commitment. If we keep up our end of the bargain, G-d will keep up His end of the bargain. If we treat our commitment to HaShem with disdain, He will reciprocate in kind. Let's make the right choice and do what's right!
Visit us: Become a fan on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Look for us on Instagram: Weekly Newsletter: Telegram: Spotify: Torah Study: BeharThe Temple Institute2024-05-23 | Freedom! It's on everybody's lips! But when we demand our freedom what exactly are we demanding to be free to do? To run with the pack? To follow the crowd? To be attached to an electronic device that tells us 24/7 who to follow and how to behave? None of that is freedom. "For the children of Israel are servants to Me; they are My servants, whom I took out of the land of Egypt. I am HaShem, your G-d." (Lev. 25:55) Only by serving HaShem do we liberate ourselves from all other forms of slavery.
Behar (Leviticus 25:1 - 26:2) Parashat Behar is read on Shabbat: Iyar 17, 5784/May 25, 2024
The land of Israel merits its own Shabbat, every seven years, and the Jubilee year guards over its independence from acquisitive man. It belongs to HaShem and HaShem alone. Second Passover teaches us that second chances are precious and must be taken advantage of when they arise!
Celebrating Yom Atzma'ut While Fighting for Our Independence!
Torah teaches us to make every day count, and this is more important today than ever, as Israel continues to fight for her future in the land of Israel against all odds. It is a sad day when allies swear their eternal support one day and deny that support the next day. Woe to the nations that turn their backs on Israel!
Torah insists that we become holy - kadosh - but how do we do so? Parashat Kedoshim gives us a way. Iyar is here, a month chock full of special days and mitzvot to fulfill! At last, after many months of stalling, mainly due to US pressure, Israel sends its troops into Rafiach, the last stronghold of Hamas, the darlings of America's elite universities.
Visit us: Become a fan on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Look for us on Instagram: Weekly Newsletter: Telegram: Spotify: Institutes Levitical Choir Rehearsing New Songs!The Temple Institute2024-05-07 | Following their very successful performance alongside the Temple Institute's golden menorah in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem's old city over the Passover holiday, the Temple Institute's Levitical Choir is back to rehearsals, preparing for their next public performance. Heeding the psalmist's exhortation to "sing to HaShem a new song," (Psalms 96, 98, 149) the Levitical Choir are now rehearsing a new melody for Psalm 115. In this rehearsal we hear them sing the first eleven verses.
The Temple Institute is currently preparing a full length video of the Choir's Passover performance. We hope to have it ready for viewing within the next few weeks.
Visit us: Become a fan on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Look for us on Instagram: Weekly Newsletter: Telegram: Spotify: Interview with Members of the Temple Institutes Levitical ChoirThe Temple Institute2024-05-01 | Rabbi Menachem Rosental, Yanai Goralik and Nevo Levi were interviewed by Israel's Channel 14's Boaz Golan, on the occasion of their Passover Chol Hamoed performance in Jerusalem's old city. The four discuss the Temple Institute's Levitical Choir, the song and responsibilities of the Levites in the Holy Temple, and more, and close the interview with a beautiful rendition of Acheinu, Kol Beit Yisrael (Our Brothers, the Entire House of Israel). Be sure to activate English subtitles!
No sooner have we concluded the seven days of Passover than Acharei Mot takes us to the first Yom Kippur in the wilderness. Meanwhile the people of Israel have begun counting the forty nine days of the Omer that link the exodus from Egypt to receiving Torah at Sinai. Israel is fighting an evil that threatens to swallow the whole world. Be sure to choose the right side in this battle!
Visit us: Become a fan on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Look for us on Instagram: Weekly Newsletter: Telegram: Spotify: Torah Study Passover (Pesach)The Temple Institute2024-04-18 | Israel always seems to be in the thick of it, a target for the world's opprobrium. Even today, despite her sovereign territory being twice violated, once on October 7th, by barbaric savages from Gaza, and only this past week, by 350 heavily armed projectiles fired from Iran, Israel is being told to stand down and let it pass. But once upon a time, if just for a brief moment, the Israelites escaping from Egyptian slavery found grace in the eyes of their Egyptian neighbors.
Metzora (Leviticus 14:1 - 15:33) Parashat Metzora is read on Shabbat: Nisan 12, 5784/April 20, 2024
Early Sunday morning Israel repelled, with the help of HaShem an aerial bombardment by Iran consisting of more than 350 cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and suicide drones. What will Israel's response be? Parashat Metzora is one of the most difficult sections of Torah for us moderns to wrap our minds around, and Passover, the Festival of Freedom is just around the corner!
Today, HaShem still longs to dwell among His people, here in the holy city of Jerusalem, atop the Temple Mount, where both the first and second Holy Temples once stood.
The Temple Institute is dedicated to doing everything in our power to help make HaShem's dream come true in our day. Join us as we work together to make for HaShem "a house of prayer for all nations!"
Nisan has arrived and with it the season of our redemption. Meanwhile, in parashat Tazria we are told that when a woman gives birth to a child she must bring offerings to the Holy Temple. Further on into our parasha we read of the mysterious skin ailment known as tzar'at - an ailment contracted by those who engage in lashon hara - gossip, slander libel, or just wasting their time and everybody else's talking about other people. It is unhealthy to the individual, destructive to society, and can be overcome with a little effort. Blessing blossoming fruit trees and thanking HaShem!
Today, HaShem still longs to dwell among His people, here in the holy city of Jerusalem, atop the Temple Mount, where both the first and second Holy Temples once stood.
The Temple Institute is dedicated to doing everything in our power to help make HaShem's dream come true in our day. Join us as we work together to make for HaShem "a house of prayer for all nations!"
With the help of your generous donations, the Temple Institute has been supplying silver trumpets to the valiant soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, fulfilling a Torah commandment, and instilling in the warriors a heroic spirit, a spirit of courage and strength as they head out to battle.
We invite you to participate in fulfilling this essential and life saving commandment!
Nadav & Avihu, Swept Away by the Spiritual Power of the Moment!
On the eighth day, following seven days of rehearsals, Aharon, Kohen Gadol and his sons inaugurate the desert Tabernacle. The eighth day is actually the first day of Nisan, "the first of the months of the year." (Exodus 12:2), a day festooned with ten crowns, a day in which the Tabernacle, the final piece of creation, is set in place, welcoming HaShem into our midst!
Today, HaShem still longs to dwell among His people, here in the holy city of Jerusalem, atop the Temple Mount, where both the first and second Holy Temples once stood.
The Temple Institute is dedicated to doing everything in our power to help make HaShem's dream come true in our day. Join us as we work together to make for HaShem "a house of prayer for all nations!"
This Shabbat as part of our preparation for Passover we read parashat Para - all about the ashes of the red heifer whose purifying power enables us to enter into the inner courtyards of the Holy Temple! The Temple Institute continues its efforts to advance the raising of a red heifer and preparing for the preparation of the purifying ashes!
Today, HaShem still longs to dwell among His people, here in the holy city of Jerusalem, atop the Temple Mount, where both the first and second Holy Temples once stood.
The Temple Institute is dedicated to doing everything in our power to help make HaShem's dream come true in our day. Join us as we work together to make for HaShem "a house of prayer for all nations!"
Visit us: Become a fan on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Look for us on Instagram: Weekly Newsletter: Telegram: Spotify: & The Worlds Oldest HatredThe Temple Institute2024-03-21 | Haman, the villain of the scroll of Esther, read on Purim, is the world's first recorded promulgator of antisemitism - the hatred of Jews. Jews - that is, the Israelites exiled from Judea, (henceforth Yehudim - Jews) had their own ways, their own customs. This, plus Mordechai's refusal to bow down to the vainglorious Haman, set Haman's plot to eliminate the Jews in motion. Courage, cunning and the unseen hand of G-d saw to it that Haman and his cohorts were all destroyed. But still, to this day, antisemitism persists.
Vayikra (Leviticus1:1 - 5:26) Parashat Vayikra is read on Shabbat: Adar Sheni 13, 5784/March 23, 2024
Purim is celebrated Saturday evening following the conclusion of Shabbat!
This year reading parashat Zachor and celebrating Purim Saturday evening will be loaded with meaning and deep feelings for all of Israel as we are in the midst of a fight to the finish against this generation's cruel and savage Amalek. "Remember... do not forget!"
Today, HaShem still longs to dwell among His people, here in the holy city of Jerusalem, atop the Temple Mount, where both the first and second Holy Temples once stood.
The Temple Institute is dedicated to doing everything in our power to help make HaShem's dream come true in our day. Join us as we work together to make for HaShem "a house of prayer for all nations!"
Parashat Pekudei not only brings the book of Exodus to an end, it brings the act of creation to its conclusion. The thirty nine types of labor involved in the construction of the Tabernacle and its vessels, all of which are forbidden on Shabbat, are akin to the ten sayings by which G-d created the world.
Today, HaShem still longs to dwell among His people, here in the holy city of Jerusalem, atop the Temple Mount, where both the first and second Holy Temples once stood.
The Temple Institute is dedicated to doing everything in our power to help make HaShem's dream come true in our day. Join us as we work together to make for HaShem "a house of prayer for all nations!"
The tradition of the half shekel offering continues through today, as Jews around the world make a special half shekel donation used (today) to support those in need.
In the wilderness the half shekel offerings were used for the silver pedestals that supported the beams of the Tabernacle. In Temple times the funds raised through the half shekel offering were used to purchase the lambs for the daily offerings made on behalf of all Israel.
Today you have the opportunity to rekindle the ancient tradition by making your half shekel offering to the Temple Institute, whose mission is the rebuilding of the Holy Temple and the renewal of the Divine service. The current value of the half shekel offering is $12.00 and offerings can be made on behalf of all family members and loved ones!
As Noam says in the video, "In G-d's Mishkan all are equal" and everyone can participate! Take part in the building of the Holy Temple! Play your part in prophecy! Donate now!
"HaShem spoke to Moshe, saying: 'When you take the sum of the children of Israel according to their numbers, let each one give to HaShem an atonement for his soul when they are counted; then there will be no plague among them when they are counted. This they shall give, everyone who goes through the counting: half a shekel according to the holy shekel. Twenty gerahs equal one shekel; half of such a shekel shall be an offering to HaShem. Everyone who goes through the counting, from the age of twenty and upward, shall give an offering to HaShem. The rich shall give no more, and the poor shall give no less than half a shekel, with which to give the offering to HaShem, to atone for your souls. You shall take the silver of the atonements from the children of Israel and use it for the work of the Tent of Meeting; it shall be a remembrance for the children of Israel before the Lord, to atone for your souls.'" (Exodus 30:11-16)
The Half-Shekel Offering - Our Share in the Holy Temple!
Parashat Vayakhel is all about the building of the Tabernacle & its vessels, and about the generous and wise hearted men & women who made it happen, who literally made a Mishkan - a dwelling place - for HaShem, so that He can dwell amongst His people! It's not the silver or the gold, but the heart and the soul of people who give, which makes a house for HaShem!