LPPFusionIn Part 1 of LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric J. Lerner’s July 26, 2022 online presentation, he explains the background to the panic caused by JWST’s images to supporters of the Big Bang hypothesis. Since 2014, the evidence against the latest (dark-matter-dark-energy) version of the Big Bang theory has built up. Prior to JWST, the theory’s predictions were contradicted by 16 different sets of observations and confirmed by only one—the abundance of deuterium. Papers summarizing why the Big Bang hypothesis is invalid have been censored by major journals and even by the open pre-print website arXiv. A paper by Lerner and colleague Riccardo Scarpa which predicted what JWST would find on the basis of a non-expanding universe, with no Big Bang, was similarly censored.
Help fund this research! (For little more than 50 cents a day, $200/yr) : wefunder.com/lppfusion You will be funding LPPFusion's basic astrophysics research and fusion energy.The same theories that show how the universe evolved without a Big Bang are bringing the power of the stars to earth: cheap, clean, safe and unlimited fusion energy.
Panic and Censorship in Cosmology: JWST and the Fusion Energy Connection, Part 1LPPFusion2022-08-05 | In Part 1 of LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric J. Lerner’s July 26, 2022 online presentation, he explains the background to the panic caused by JWST’s images to supporters of the Big Bang hypothesis. Since 2014, the evidence against the latest (dark-matter-dark-energy) version of the Big Bang theory has built up. Prior to JWST, the theory’s predictions were contradicted by 16 different sets of observations and confirmed by only one—the abundance of deuterium. Papers summarizing why the Big Bang hypothesis is invalid have been censored by major journals and even by the open pre-print website arXiv. A paper by Lerner and colleague Riccardo Scarpa which predicted what JWST would find on the basis of a non-expanding universe, with no Big Bang, was similarly censored.
Help fund this research! (For little more than 50 cents a day, $200/yr) : wefunder.com/lppfusion You will be funding LPPFusion's basic astrophysics research and fusion energy.The same theories that show how the universe evolved without a Big Bang are bringing the power of the stars to earth: cheap, clean, safe and unlimited fusion energy.
You can read the censored papers for yourself here: lppfusion.com/censored-papers-that-refute-the-big-bang-hypothesisThe Evolution Of Physics Second Law of ThermodynamicsLPPFusion2024-07-11 | In this class in the Evolution of Physics series, LPPFusion Chief Scientist and class participants discuss the origins of the second law of thermodynamics and the controversies this set off, which continue to today. The class took place June 22, 2024. Some readings are below.
LPPFusion’s researchers are not backed by any billionaires. Our work both in fusion energy in astrophysics is funded by a couple of thousand small investors. Unfortunately, that’s just not enough. We need at least another million dollars a year to help us hire the people we need for maximum speed.
There are 12,000 people subscribed to our YouTube channel. If each of you subscribers became a donor to LPPFusion at just $10 per month—three dimes a day— or invested just $100 per year--we would be raising another 1.2 million dollars per year. Invest here: wefunder.com/lppfusion or contribute here: lppfusion.com/subscribeLPPFusion Presentation at ITER International WorkshopLPPFusion2024-06-19 | Less than a mile from the world’s largest fusion energy construction site, LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric Lerner described our Fast Path to Fusion Energy to the Inaugural Private Public Fusion Workshop in May 2024. More than 350 scientists, engineers and others from more than two dozen private fusion companies, twenty universities and ITER’s organization gathered at the first global conference devoted to bringing together private fusion companies with government-funded fusion projects. In contrast to the planned 300,000-ton ITER device, Lerner emphasized that we aim to produce net energy with a 3-ton device, FF-2B. He explained that with our approach of imitating, rather than fighting, natural plasma behavior we’ve achieved the highest temperatures of any fusion experiment and the highest ratios of fusion energy out to device energy in (wall-plug efficiency) of any fusion company for an expenditure of only $10 million. In the past year, we’ve increased peak current by 60% with no increase in energy input and drastically decreased electrode erosion.
A Q and A with all panelists took place at the end of the panel. We'll be posting that when we get permissions from other panelists.
LPPFusion’s researchers are not backed by any billionaires. Our work both in fusion energy in astrophysics is funded by a couple of thousand small investors. Unfortunately, that’s just not enough. We need at least another million dollars a year to help us hire the people we need for maximum speed.
There are 12,000 people subscribed to our YouTube channel. If each of you subscribers became a donor to LPPFusion at just $10 per month—three dimes a day— or invested just $100 per year--we would be raising another 1.2 million dollars per year. Invest here: wefunder.com/lppfusion or contribute here: lppfusion.com/subscribeIf the Big Bang Didnt Happen, What Did?LPPFusion2024-03-20 | To support our research in fusion and cosmology: contribute/subscribe here: lppfusion.com/subscribe or invest here wefunder.com/lppfusion.
The Big Bang hypothesis is falling apart, washed away by the flood of data from JWST and other telescopes. Its predictions are contradicted by over a dozen separate data sets. But if the Big Bang never happened, what did? In this new video series, Cosmic Evolution, LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric Lerner describes the real story of the history of the universe, starting as far back as we can now see. This is a history based on real observations and on physics theories that scientists have developed and tested in the laboratory and that underlie our whole technology. Understanding the processes that generated the awesome cosmos that we now see helps us to harness these processes here on earth—especially to develop cheap, clean, safe and unlimited fusion energy.
In Episode 1, “If the Big Bang Never Happened, What Did?” Lerner describes the basic scientific methods that must be used to replace myths with real knowledge of cosmic evolution, He then describes the earliest phase of evolution that we have evidence for, the formation of giant filaments of plasma billions of light years across, held together by huge currents and magnetic forces. These filaments, formed over trillions of years, gave rise to the largest structures we now see, like the recently discovered Big Ring and Big Arc. (See our Big Ring video here: youtu.be/PTNkZjqRwPw)
LPPFusion’s researchers are not backed by any billionaires. Our work both in fusion energy in astrophysics is funded by a couple of thousand small investors. Unfortunately, that’s just not enough. We need at least another million dollars a year to help us hire the people we need for maximum speed.
There are 12,000 people subscribed to our YouTube channel. If each of you subscribers became a donor to LPPFusion at just $10 per month—three dimes a day— or invested just $100 per year--we would be raising another 1.2 million dollars per year. Invest here: wefunder.com/lppfusion or contribute here: lppfusion.com/subscribe
Our technology can slash the cost of energy by 90%, and provide a clean, safe environment, no greenhouse gases or pollution and decentralized energy. A better future for all of us.
A technical paper on formation of large scale structure (not yet peer-reviewed): Observations of Large-Scale Structures Contradict the Predictions of the Big Bang Hypothesis But Confirm Plasma Theory, Eric J Lerner, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26141.79844 (2022)
Peer reviewed paper :Magnetic Vortex Filaments, Universal Invariants and the Fundamental Constants , E.J. Lerner IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Special Issue on Cosmic Plasma, PS-14, 690 (1986) researchgate.net/publication/3167414
My predictions have been confirmed by experiment and observation—the ONLY test of scientific validity—and checked by my peers. I published in 1985 a detailed quantitative model (cambridge.org/core/journals/laser-and-particle-beams/article/abs/magnetic-selfcompression-in-laboratory-plasmas-quasars-and-radio-galaxies-part-i/BFBB2446D01F38AF5AC321227522FF57) relating quasars and the dense plasma focus device Nardi and Bostick were working on. This model led eventually to LPPFusion's work on the same device. While it took a bit to raise the money to test this model, in 2012 we published results in Physics of Plasmas, (pubs.aip.org/aip/pop/article-abstract/19/3/032704/919523/Fusion-reactions-from-gt-150-keV-ions-in-a-dense?redirectedFrom=fulltext), the leading journal in the field, showing that, based on this model, we had achieved the highest confined ion energy yet reported. This caused quite stir among our colleagues and this paper was the most read of any published by the journal that year. Today, the research service Altmetric ranks our paper’s “Attention Score” among the top 3% of all papers of similar age, so our work was not exactly ignored by our peers. We topped our own record in a 2017 paper in the same journal. Last year we claimed in a peer-reviewed paper( link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10894-023-00345-z),“ the highest confined ion energies of any fusion experiment ( 200 keV) as well as, recently, the lowest impurities of any fusion plasma. Among privately-funded fusion efforts, our experiments have achieved the highest ratio of fusion energy generation to device energy input (wall-plug efficiency) and the highest nτT product of 3.4 × 10^20 keV-s/m^3” The reviewers for this special issue on privately-funded fusion research were chosen from among our competitors. So, in short, our elaborations of Alfven’s theories have led to advances in technology, the ultimate test of scientific validity.Evolution Of Physics - The concept of energyLPPFusion2024-03-11 | This video starts a new section of the “Evolution of Physics “ , Feb.17 2024. This section will be on the development of thermodynamics in the 19th century and will complete our look at the development of physics in that century. This first class is on the development of the concept of energy and the First Law of Thermodynamics—conservation of energy.
LPPFusion’s researchers are not backed by any billionaires. Our work both in fusion energy in astrophysics is funded by a couple of thousand small investors. Unfortunately, that’s just not enough. We need at least another million dollars a year to help us hire the people we need for maximum speed.
You can provide this. Not by yourself, to be sure. But there are 12,000 people subscribed to our YouTube channel. If each of you subscribers became a donor to LPPFusion at just $10 per month—three dimes a day— or invested just $100 per year--we would be raising another 1.2 million dollars per year. You can invest here: wefunder.com/lppfusion or contribute here: lppfusion.com/subscribe
Our technology can slash the cost of energy by 90%, and provide a clean, safe environment, no greenhouse gases or pollution and decentralized energy. A better future for all of us. Thanks for your support.The Big Ring Bashes the Big BangLPPFusion2024-03-07 | The year 2024 started off with a new flood of important astrophysics discoveries that further contradicted the Big Bang hypothesis. The first, literally the biggest, is the discovery by Alexia Lopez and colleagues of the Big Ring—a huge structure of galaxies that is too big for the Big Bang, but which exactly matches predictions LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric Lerner made almost 40 years ago. Those predictions in turn are based on theories of the same plasma vortex filaments that are central to the functioning of our FF-2B experimental fusion device.
LPPFusion’s researchers are not backed by any billionaires. Our work both in fusion energy in astrophysics is funded by a couple of thousand small investors. Unfortunately, that’s just not enough. We need at least another million dollars a year to help us hire the people we need for maximum speed.
You can provide this. Not by yourself, to be sure. But there are 12,000 people subscribed to our YouTube channel. If each of you subscribers became a donor to LPPFusion at just $10 per month—three dimes a day— or invested just $100 per year--we would be raising another 1.2 million dollars per year. You can invest here: wefunder.com/lppfusion or contribute here: lppfusion.com/subscribe
Our technology can slash the cost of energy by 90%, and provide a clean, safe environment, no greenhouse gases or pollution and decentralized energy. A better future for all of us. Thanks for your support.Fusion: Humanitys Way ForwardLPPFusion2024-03-05 | In a presentation to the Ridgefield (CT) Men's Club, LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric J. Lerner describes why fusion energy is essential to ending the global crisis and moving humanity forward.
LPPFusion’s researchers are not backed by any billionaires. Our work both in fusion energy in astrophysics is funded by a couple of thousand small investors. Unfortunately, that’s just not enough. We need at least another million dollars a year to help us hire the people we need for maximum speed.
You can provide this. Not by yourself, to be sure. But there are 12,000 people subscribed to our YouTube channel. If each of you subscribers became a donor to LPPFusion at just $10 per month—three dimes a day— or invested just $100 per year--we would be raising another 1.2 million dollars per year.
Our technology can slash the cost of energy by 90%, and provide a clean, safe environment, no greenhouse gases or pollution and decentralized energy. A better future for all of us. Invest here: wefunder.com/lppfusion Donate here: lppfusion.com/subscribeFusion Energy Revolution - rap songLPPFusion2023-12-14 | Rapping about LPPFusion's faster route to clean, cheap safe, unlimited and decentralized energy. Thanks to Chris J productions, Bolle and Ivy! If you like this video, please share it widely! Fusion is fun!
Please join thousands of other investors in supporting LPPFusion’s fast route to fusion energy : wefunder.com/lppfusion This research is entirely funded by the public through our crowdfunding efforts. For only $200 you can help speed us to a fusion energy future. Fusion needs you! This year's campaign ends Dec.15! If $200 breaks the bank for you, donate as little as $10 here: lppfusion.com/subscribe Lyrics: Shout out to the team Whatup Eric To all the great mans Ivy, Syed that participated it couldn't be done without you and continuin' to go on with the energy revolution let's get into it decentralized universe power-up show me the light it's the sight I can see it as long as you believe it achieve it DPF‘s lightning hot Plasmoids help a lot black holes aren't real keep the fils on the rods let me give my eyes the big bang never happen' understand, right? this is history in the makin' from the bottom, no basement news breakin' focus fusion. dense plasma mix it up. you know what happens. we don't have to talk about what we already know hit the flow. let's go all for show appreciations to the team well, appreciations to the team cause teamwork elevating our dreams shout out to all scientists do your thing the result: plasma vortex reigns bring the heat bring the pressure bind them particles together Electrifying call in Tesla focus on getting better using power from the stars that power Earth do your research fusion's not a myth sustainability what is worth took a risk in my own time Eric Lerner, here's your props and every scientist who's working around the clock you are boss put it together let the universe talk have the proof don't lock it away in the vault focus fusion dense plasma mix it up you know what happens we don't have to talk about what we already know hit the flow let's go all for showWhy I Support LPPFusion Goodbye Fossil Fuels!LPPFusion2023-12-12 | Former Deputy Executive Director of the International Energy Agency, Richard H. Jones, explains why he supports LPPFusion’s fast route to fusion energy. At the IAE from 2008-2013, Jones saw firsthand the painfully slow progress of the tokamak approach. He supports LPPFusion’s fast approach and has invested his own money in LPPFusion. In this video, he explains why. First, our approach uses hydrogen-boron fuel, which produces no neutrons that can destroy the generator. “The lack of the neutrons is important to me” Jones explains in a dialog recorded Dec. 11, 2023, with LPPFusion’s Eric Lerner, ” but also your notion that you can go straight to the production of electricity is huge. “ In addition, Jones cites the small size of the generators, making for a localized, decentralized grid. “It makes a great deal of sense for the continuity of service, the reliability of the grid and the quality of life”. Listen to the rest of his reasons in this video.
Please join Mr. Jones and thousands of other investors in supporting LPPFusion’s fast route to fusion energy : wefunder.com/lppfusion This research is entirely funded by the public through our crowdfunding efforts. For only $200 you can help speed us to a fusion energy future. Fusion needs you! This year's campaign ends Dec.15! If $200 breaks the bank for you, donate as little as $10 here: lppfusion.com/subscribeIs the Universe Expanding? Questions and AnswersLPPFusion2023-11-25 | In the general discussion with the audience of the Workshop on "Is Cosmic Expansion Valid in the Epoch of JWST?", people ask questions of the panelists abut the question of the expansion of the universe. Panel participants include Rajendra Gupta, University of Ottawa; Eric Lerner, LPPFusion; Martin Lopez-Corredoira, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias; Leandros Perivolaropoulos, University of Ioannina; Riccardo Scarpa, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias; Francesco Sylos-Labini, Enrico Fermi Research Center and Alessandro Trinchera, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen.
This workshop is sponsored and organized by LPPFusion, Inc. Help fund our independent research! : wefunder.com/lppfusion This research is entirely funded by the public through our crowdfunding efforts. The knowledge of plasmas that we gain from studying the universe is helping to harness fusion energy here on earth in this decade. Help fund clean, cheap, safe and unlimited energy and get new knowledge of the cosmos at the same time! For only $200 you can help speed us to a fusion energy future. Fusion needs you! This year's campaign ends Dec.15!Is the Universe Expanding? A discussion Among ScientistsLPPFusion2023-11-25 | In the discussion among panelists of the Workshop on "Is Cosmic Expansion Valid in the Epoch of JWST?", six researchers debate the question of if JWST and other data have refuted the theory of cosmic expansion or not. Participants include Rajendra Gupta, University of Ottawa; Eric Lerner, LPPFusion; Martin Lopez-Corredoira, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias; Leandros Perivolaropoulos, University of Ioannina; Riccardo Scarpa, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias; Francesco Sylos-Labini, Enrico Fermi Research Center and Alessandro Trinchera, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen.
This workshop is sponsored and organized by LPPFusion, Inc. Help fund our independent research! : wefunder.com/lppfusion This research is entirely funded by the public through our crowdfunding efforts. The knowledge of plasmas that we gain from studying the universe is helping to harness fusion energy here on earth in this decade. Help fund clean, cheap, safe and unlimited energy and get new knowledge of the cosmos at the same time! For only $200 you can help speed us to a fusion energy future. Fusion needs you! This year's campaign ends Dec.15!The Cosmic Expansion Hypothesis is Falsified, the Universe is not ExpandingLPPFusion2023-11-25 | In the sixth and final presentation of the Workshop on "Is Cosmic Expansion Valid in the Epoch of JWST?", Eric Lerner, LPPFusion, Inc. and Dr. Riccardo Scarpa, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, show that the JWST data demonstrate that cosmic expansion can't be occurring. Cosmic evolution can be explained without expansion or a Big Bang. (This is a 2023 workshop--typo in opening slide.)
If you find this video exciting, please help support this research! This workshop is sponsored and organized by LPPFusion, Inc. Help fund our independent research! : wefunder.com/lppfusion This research is entirely funded by the public through our crowdfunding efforts. The knowledge of plasmas that we gain from studying the universe is helping to harness fusion energy here on earth in this decade. Help fund clean, cheap, safe and unlimited energy and get new knowledge of the cosmos at the same time! For only $200 you can help speed us to a fusion energy future. Fusion needs you! This year's campaign ends Dec.15! If $200 breaks the bank for you, donate as little as $10 here: lppfusion.com/subscribe Technical papers : Over all papers (not yet peer reviewed) on Big Bang and alternatives:
The Big Bang Never Happened – A Reassessment of the Galactic Origin of Light Elements (GOLE) Hypothesis and its Implications, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21108.63366 (2022)
Observations of Large-Scale Structures Contradict the Predictions of the Big Bang Hypothesis But Confirm Plasma Theory, Eric J Lerner, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26141.79844 (2022)
Our paper predicting correctly what JWST will find:
PEER_REVIEWED papers on HST results on surface brightness.
Observations contradict galaxy size and surface brightness predictions that are based on the expanding universe hypothesis, Eric J Lerner, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 477, 3185, 2018
UV surface brightness of galaxies from the local universe to z ∼ 5, Eric J. Lerner, Renato Falomo, Riccardo Scarpa, International Journal of Modern Physics D, 23, 1450058 (2014) arxiv.org/abs/1405.0275Resolving LCDM Model Tension with JWST Cosmic Dawn ObservationsLPPFusion2023-11-25 | In the fifth presentation of the Workshop on "Is Cosmic Expansion Valid in the Epoch of JWST?", Dr. Rajendra Gupta, University of Ottawa, demonstrates the many contradictions of JWST observations with standard (LCDM) cosmology predictions and outlines an alternative that combines expansion and tired-light explanations of the redshift, pushing the Big Bang back in time.
This workshop is sponsored and organized by LPPFusion, Inc. Help fund our independent research! : wefunder.com/lppfusion This research is entirely funded by the public through our crowdfunding efforts. The knowledge of plasmas that we gain from studying the universe is helping to harness fusion energy here on earth in this decade. Help fund clean, cheap, safe and unlimited energy and get new knowledge of the cosmos at the same time! For only $200 you can help speed us to a fusion energy future. Fusion needs you! This year's campaign ends Dec.15!Physics Involved in a Non-Expanding Tired-Light-Dominated UniverseLPPFusion2023-11-25 | In the fourth presentation of the Workshop on "Is Cosmic Expansion Valid in the Epoch of JWST?", Alessandro Trinchera, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, explains an alternative to the expanding universe model that is based on the hypothesis that the Hubble redshift is caused by a process that changes light as it travels--the "tired-light" hypothesis.
This workshop is sponsored and organized by LPPFusion, Inc. Help fund our independent research! : wefunder.com/lppfusion This research is entirely funded by the public through our crowdfunding efforts. The knowledge of plasmas that we gain from studying the universe is helping to harness fusion energy here on earth in this decade. Help fund clean, cheap, safe and unlimited energy and get new knowledge of the cosmos at the same time! For only $200 you can help speed us to a fusion energy future. Fusion needs you! This year's campaign ends Dec.15!The Hubble Crisis in Cosmology: Is a Paradigm Shift in Physics Imminent?LPPFusion2023-11-25 | In the Third presentation of the Workshop on "Is Cosmic Expansion Valid in the Epoch of JWST?", Dr. Leandros Perivolaropoulos, University of Ioannina, discusses the history of the Hubble tension between predictions of the Hubble constant and measurements. He conludees that a radical alternative is needed to preserve the expansion theory--a drastic change in the gravitational constant 150 million years ago.
This workshop is sponsored and organized by LPPFusion, Inc. Help fund our independent research! : wefunder.com/lppfusion This research is entirely funded by the public through our crowdfunding efforts. The knowledge of plasmas that we gain from studying the universe is helping to harness fusion energy here on earth in this decade. Help fund clean, cheap, safe and unlimited energy and get new knowledge of the cosmos at the same time! For only $200 you can help speed us to a fusion energy future. Fusion needs you! This year's campaign ends Dec.15!The large-scale inhomogeneity of the galaxy distribution…waiting for EuclidLPPFusion2023-11-23 | In the second presentation of the Workshop on "Is Cosmic Expansion Valid in the Epoch of JWST?", Dr. Dr. Francesco Sylos-Labini , Enrico Fermi Research Center, discusses his extensive work mapping the large scale structures in the universe. The existence of huge structures that are far denser than their surroundings contradicts basic predictions of the "concordance cosmology" model and the assumptions of homogeneity it is based on.
This workshop is sponsored and organized by LPPFusion, Inc. Help fund our independent research! : wefunder.com/lppfusion This research is entirely funded by the public through our crowdfunding efforts. The knowledge of plasmas that we gain from studying the universe is helping to harness fusion energy here on earth in this decade. Help fund clean, cheap, safe and unlimited energy and get new knowledge of the cosmos at the same time! For only $200 you can help speed us to a fusion energy future. Fusion needs you! This year's campaign ends Dec.15!Tests of the Expansion of the Universe 2021-2023LPPFusion2023-11-20 | In the first presentation of the Workshop on "Is Cosmic Expansion Valid in the Epoch of JWST?", Dr. Martin Lopez-Corredoira, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias talks about various observational test for the expansion of the universe. He concludes that although many observations contradict expansion, the tests are not yet definitive and that he can't yet conclude confidently if the universe is expanding or not.
This workshop is sponsored and organized by LPPFusion, Inc. Help fund our independent research! : wefunder.com/lppfusion This research is entirely funded by the public through our crowdfunding efforts. The knowledge of plasmas that we gain from studying the universe is helping to harness fusion energy here on earth in this decade. Help fund clean, cheap, safe and unlimited energy and get new knowledge of the cosmos at the same time! For only $200 you can help speed us to a fusion energy future. Fusion needs you! This year's campaign ends Dec.15!Demonstrating the Reality of Magnetic FieldsLPPFusion2023-11-14 | In the fourth session of the study group on the Evolution of Physics, Oct.21, 2023, the group carried out three experiments to demonstrate the reality of magnetic fields, showing that their direction is not between particles, that the magnetic fields convey angular momentum and that they contain energy.Dialogs on the Big Bang Debate: Dr Francesco Sylos-LabiniLPPFusion2023-10-30 | Second Dialog on the Big Bang Debate. On Oct. 17, 2023, LPPFusion's Eric Lerner talked with Dr. Francesco Sylos-Labini, Research Director at the Enrico Fermi Research Center (Rome, Italy) about his research and the reality of the expansion of the universe. Dr. Sylos-Labini has been a leader in the mapping of large-scale structures in the universe. On the largest scales, these structures are too big to have formed in the time since the hypothetical Big Bang. There is and open Q and A from the zoom chat at the end of the event.
Help fund this independent research! : wefunder.com/lppfusion This research is entirely funded by the public through our crowdfunding efforts. The knowledge of plasmas that we gain from studying the universe is helping to harness fusion energy here on earth in this decade. Help fund clean, cheap, safe and unlimited energy and get new knowledge of the cosmos at the same time! For only $200 you can help speed us to a fusion energy future. Fusion needs you! This year's campaign ends Nov.15!
Event coming soon! On Friday, Nov. 3, LPPFusion will host an online workshop on the question: “Is Cosmic Expansion Valid in the Epoch of JWST?” . In most astronomical meetings it is difficult or impossible to freely discuss the validity of the expansion hypothesis at conventional astrophysics conferences. So, LPPFusion has organized this workshop as a step in having a free and open discussion of the observational status of the expansion hypothesis, to clarify differences of viewpoint and to suggest further observational tests. The workshop will be held online from 9:15 Am to 2:15 PM Eastern Time. All invited. Zoom link: us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUtce6urzwiG9Xdw-cHTWMxod8qH3rvegYB
Participants include Rajendra Gupta, University of Ottawa; Eric Lerner, LPPFusion; Martin Lopez-Corredoira, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias; Leandros Perivolaropoulos, University of Ioannina; Riccardo Scarpa, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias; Francesco Sylos-Labini, Enrico Fermi Research Center and Alessandro Trinchera, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen.Dialog on the Big Bang Debate: Dr Rajendra Gupta and Eric LernerLPPFusion2023-10-23 | In this first Dialog on the Big Bang Debate, Dr. Rajendra Gupta of the University of Ottawa is talking with LPPFusion’s Eric Lerner. Dr. Gupta made world-wide headlines on July when he proposed merging the non-expanding tired light hypothesis to explain the Hubble redshift relation with a slower expanding universe model that puts the Big Bang back to 26 billion years ago. Did the Big Bang happen 13 billion years ago, 26 billion years ago or did it never happen at all? Here a scientific dialog.
Help fund this independent research! : wefunder.com/lppfusion This research is entirely funded by the public through our crowdfunding efforts. The knowledge of plasmas that we gain from studying the universe is helping to harness fusion energy here on earth in this decade. Help fund clean, cheap, safe and unlimited energy and get new knowledge of the cosmos at the same time! For only $200 you can help speed us to a fusion energy future. Fusion needs you! This year's campaign ends Nov.15!
Event coming soon! On Friday, Nov. 3, LPPFusion will host an online workshop on the question: “Is Cosmic Expansion Valid in the Epoch of JWST?” . In most astronomical meetings it is difficult or impossible to freely discuss the validity of the expansion hypothesis at conventional astrophysics conferences. So, LPPFusion has organized this workshop as a step in having a free and open discussion of the observational status of the expansion hypothesis, to clarify differences of viewpoint and to suggest further observational tests. The workshop will be held online from 9:15 Am to 2:15 PM Eastern Time. All invited. Zoom link: us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUtce6urzwiG9Xdw-cHTWMxod8qH3rvegYB
Participants include Rajendra Gupta, University of Ottawa; Eric Lerner, LPPFusion; Martin Lopez-Corredoira, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias; Leandros Perivolaropoulos, University of Ioannina; Riccardo Scarpa, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias; Francesco Sylos-Labini, Enrico Fermi Research Center and Alessandro Trinchera, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen.Maxwells Vortex Theory and the Discovery of the ElectronLPPFusion2023-09-24 | In the third study group on the Evolution of Physics, LPPFusion’s Eric Lerner and the group discuss the efforts by James Clerk Maxwell and others to use vortices to unite the newly-developed concept of fields with the observations of particles, especially atoms. These efforts encountered difficulties and then were superseded with J. J. Thompson’s surprising discovery of the electron, a particle thousands of times less massive than atoms. Readings for this study group: royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsta.2018.0451 https://web.lemoyne.edu/~giunta/ea/THOMSONann.HTMLEpisode 8 Goodbye to the Big BangLPPFusion2023-09-21 | In the eighth episode of "JWST and the Big Bang Never Happened Debate" , LPPFusion Chief Scientist replies to New York Times Opinion piece, “The Story of Our Universe May Be Starting to Unravel” by Dr. Adam Frank and Dr. Marcelo Gleiser. What the authors don’t actually say is that there already is an alternative “story of the universe” that is being widely debated among researchers: the story of an evolving universe without a Big Bang or the expansion of space. It looks like Dr. Frank and Dr. Gleisel have put on their life jackets on board the sinking cosmic ship “Big Bang” but are not yet ready to enter the lifeboats. They should not hesitate further. A rescue ship - “No Big Bang” is standing close be at the ready. Time to get on board and chart a new course for the science of the cosmos. Help fund this independent research! : wefunder.com/lppfusion This research is entirely funded by the public through our crowdfunding efforts. The knowledge of plasmas that we gain from studying the universe is helping to harness fusion energy here on earth in this decade. Help fund clean, cheap, safe and unlimited energy and get new knowledge of the cosmos at the same time! For only $200 you can help speed us to a fusion energy future. Fusion needs you! Coming soon: As part of our contribution toward open debate around the key issues in cosmology, LPPFusion will be hosting two online Dialogs on the Big Bang Debate in October. On October 11 we will have Dr. Rajendra Gupta of the University of Ottawa talking with LPPFusion’s Lerner. Dr. Gupta made world-wide headlines on July when he proposed margin the non-expanding tired light hypothesis to explain the Hubble redshift relation with a slower expanding universe model that puts the Big Bang back to 26 billion years ago. Join us: us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMkdeyprTksE9aqtxcl-3ppzn70o7gQnyUR On October 17, Lerner will talk with Dr. Francesco Sylos-Labini, Research Director at the Enrico Fermi Research Center (Rome, Italy). Dr. Sylos-Labini has been a leader in the mapping of large-scale structures in the universe. On the largest scales, these structures are too big to have formed in the time since the hypothetical Big Bang. There will be an open Q and A from the zoom chat at the end of each event. Details coming. Jon us: us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAucO6gqzoqH9GMjdE1O6A4MoYjnuwRqofcScience is About Getting It RightLPPFusion2023-07-25 | In the seventh episode of the series on "JWST and the Big Bang Happened Debate" LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric J. Lerner sharply corrects Dr. Becky's claims that scientists are most excited by being proven wrong. Lerner explains how that is dead wrong. Science help humans to survive and advance because it is about right predictions that can be made about the future. Continually being proven wrong is a good description of Big Bang cosmologists' efforts, but it's not the scientific method. It's the method of Ptolemy, which was overthrown by the scientific revolution. Confusing the public about how science works can create a deadly distrust of science.
This research is entirely funded by the public through our crowdfunding efforts. The knowledge of plasmas that we gain from studying the universe is helping to harness fusion energy here on earth in this decade. Help fund clean, cheap, safe and unlimited energy and get new knowledge of the cosmos at the same time! For only $200 you can help speed us to a fusion energy future. Fusion needs you!
Small correction to the video--not noticed in post production: at 12:47 Lerner misspeaks , substituting "heliocentric" for the intended word, "geocentric".Maxwells Equations What They MeanLPPFusion2023-07-19 | In the second session of the Evolution of Physics Study Group, LPPFusion's Eric Lerner and the group looks at Maxwell's equations--what they mean and their consequences for science and technology. Readings: Maxwell's theory p459-471 royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rstl.1865.0008 lppfusion.com/science/physics-foundations/electromagnetism/maxwells-equations My book, BBNH, Chap 5 p.169-173 EM history p 16-22 http://commons.princeton.edu/motorcycledesign/wp-content/uploads/sites/70/2018/06/EM-History.pdfEvolution of Physics 1LPPFusion2023-06-21 | In this first study group in the "Evolution of Physics" course, we discuss "What is the Scientific Method?" and "What is Physics?" before turning to Faraday's breakthrough in formulating the concept of the "field". Reading list: Chapter 3, The Big Bang Never Happened amazon.com/BIG-BANG-NEVER-HAPPENED-ebook/dp/B008XNSKE4/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
Help fund LPPFusion's research! : wefunder.com/lppfusion This research is entirely funded by the public through our crowdfunding efforts. Help fund clean, cheap, safe and unlimited energy! Fusion needs you!Whos Ahead in the Fusion Energy Race?LPPFusion2023-06-14 | Who’s head in the race to fusion? LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric J. Lerner gives the summary. All fusion research efforts aim to get more energy out of a device than is put into it, a condition known as Net Energy. LPPFusion has just completed a survey of published results from all private fusion companies to see which companies are leading in the race to net energy. And this year, as in previous years, LPPFusion is still way in the lead.
Help fund this independent research! : wefunder.com/lppfusion This research is entirely funded by the public through our crowdfunding efforts. Help fund clean, cheap, safe and unlimited energy! Fusion needs you!The Big Bang Quandary Song: “A Few of The Craziest Things”LPPFusion2023-06-09 | An “anonymous cosmologist” recounts in song her true feelings about the growing problems with the Big Bang hypothesis. Many thanks to Shirley Serban for her help in “disguising the voice” of our “anonymous cosmologist” (singing the lyrics) and to Gregory Ranky for helping with getting the meter right. A tip of the hat to Richard Rodgers for the tune of “My Favorite Things” from “The Sound of Music”. To find out what the problems are that are mentioned in the song, and for scientific references that back them up, see LPPFusion’s video here: youtu.be/FhqqJGYw9Fw Find out how 16 out of 17 predictions of the Big Bang theory are wrong and only one is right. LPPFusion’s educational videos, and our research in astrophysics and fusion is entirely funded by the public through our crowdfunding efforts. Help fund us: wefunder.com/lppfusion The knowledge of plasmas that we gain from studying the universe is helping to harness fusion energy here on earth in this decade. Help fund clean, cheap, safe and unlimited energy and get new knowledge of the cosmos at the same time! Fusion needs you!Big Bang: Tweak it or throw it out?LPPFusion2023-06-07 | In the sixth episode of our video series, “JWST and the Big Bang Never Happened Debate”, LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric J. Lerner replies to those who say “there are just a few things wrong with the Big Bang— just needs tweaking”. In fact, there are far more wrong predictions that right ones for the Big Bang theory, something that is widely known in the field, but not widely acknowledged. To start the discussion, Lerner plays an audio file from an “anonymous cosmologist” who musically recounts her true feelings about the biggest problems with the Big Bang. Lerner then explains briefly each problem. Below are references for each problem, just in case anyone thinks these are just the complaints of a few heretics. Many thanks to Shirley Serban for her help in “disguising the voice” of our “anonymous cosmologist” (singing the lyrics) and to Gregory Ranky for helping with getting the meter right.
Help fund this independent research! : wefunder.com/lppfusion This research is entirely funded by the public through our crowdfunding efforts. The knowledge of plasmas that we gain from studying the universe is helping to harness fusion energy here on earth in this decade. Help fund clean, cheap, safe and unlimited energy and get new knowledge of the cosmos at the same time! Fusion needs you!
For more about how JWST’s images have contradicted the Big Bang: youtu.be/eUv4vceKuIg To learn how almost all Big Bang hypothesis predictions were wrong even before JWST: youtu.be/tK3OStArUqE To learn about cosmic evolution without a Big Bang: youtu.be/4KTAVzOTsQc
1) Bright tiny images, Far distant galaxies are way too small :flunking the Tolman test Cosmological Model Tests with JWST, Nikita Lovyagin et al Galaxies 2022, 10(6), 108; doi.org/10.3390/galaxies10060108
Observations contradict galaxy size and surface brightness predictions that are based on the expanding universe hypothesis, Eric J Lerner , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 477, 3185, 2018
2) Too little helium
Revisiting ΔY/ΔZ from multiple main sequences in globular clusters: insight from nearby stars Portinari, L. Casagrande L. and Flynn C. ,2010, MNRAS 406, 1570 Nucleosynthesis of intermediate mass stars: inferences from the observed abundances inphotoionized nebulae of the Local Group, Maciel, W. J., Costa, R. D. D., Cavichia O. ,2017, Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 940, 012045
3) Lopsided starmaps Cosmology Intertwined: A Review of the Particle Physics, Astrophysics, and Cosmology Associated with the Cosmological Tensions and Anomalies, E. Abdalla, and 208 others, Journal of High Energy Astrophysics 34 (2022) 49 p.85
4) Too little lithium Cosmology Intertwined:, E. Abdalla, and 208 other, Journal of High Energy Astrophysics 34 (2022) 49 p.113 Tognelli, E., et al, 2020, A&A 638, A81
5) Microwave patterns laid out in straight lines Cosmology Intertwined:, E. Abdalla, and 208 other, Journal of High Energy Astrophysics 34 (2022) 49 p.100
6) Vast swarms of matter stretched out in strings, much-too big things A Giant Arc on the Sky A. M. Lopez, .G. Clowes, G. M. Williger arxiv.org/abs/2201.06875
7) A growing universe that's far too fast Cosmology Intertwined:, E. Abdalla, and 208 other, Journal of High Energy Astrophysics 34 (2022) 49 p.20
8) Panic at the disks -lack of mergers Panic! At the Disks: First Rest-frame Optical Observations of Galaxy Structure at z more than 3 with JWST in the SMACS L. Ferreira,et al, arxiv.org/abs/2207.09428
9) Age of universe problem Revisit of Cosmic Age Problem S. Wang, X-D. Li, and M. Li arxiv.org/abs/1005.4345 The Impossibly Early Galaxy Problem C. L. Steinhardt, P. Capak, D. Masters, J. S. Speagle arxiv.org/abs/1506.01377v2
10) Matter-anti matter symmetry, no proton decay Search for proton decay, Tanaka , M. et al, 2020, Phys. Rev. D 101, 052011
11) Too clumpy Cosmology Intertwined:, E. Abdalla, and 208 other, Journal of High Energy Astrophysics 34 (2022) 49 p.27
13) No Dark Matter Cosmology Intertwined:, E. Abdalla, and 208 other, Journal of High Energy Astrophysics 34 (2022) 49 p.117
Bailing out of LCDM:
Cosmology Intertwined:, E. Abdalla, and 208 other, Journal of High Energy Astrophysics 34 (2022) 49 p.141 Does Hubble tension signal a breakdown in FLRW cosmology? C Krishnan et al, Classical and Quantum Gravity ( IF 3.853 ) Pub Date: 2021-08-23 , DOI:10.1088/1361-6382/ac1a81
In depth technical descriptions of what’s wrong with the Big Bang, and what’s right with the alternative: The Big Bang Never Happened – A Reassessment of the Galactic Origin of Light Elements (GOLE) Hypothesis and its Implications, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21108.63366 (2022) Observations of Large-Scale Structures Contradict the Predictions of the Big Bang Hypothesis But Confirm Plasma Theory, Eric J Lerner, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26141.79844 (2022)Universe Breakers Or Theory BreakersLPPFusion2023-05-13 | Help fund this independent research and fusion energy! wefunder.com/lppfusion
In the fifth episode of LPPFusion video series, “JWST and the Big Bang Never Happened Debate”, LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric J. Lerner responds to the discoveries of galaxies that Dr. Joel Leja, assistant professor of astrophysics at Penn State, called universe breakers (see the this paper in Nature and this statement ). As Lerner explains, these new results are just fine for science—and the universe won’t be hurt by a few new images. What these objects can rightly be called is “theory-breakers” because they are yet more big blows in breaking up the theory of the Big Bang, and the idea of an expanding universe.
If you are following these videos, please know that this research is entirely funded by the public through our crowdfunding efforts. The knowledge of plasma we gain from studying the universe is directly helping to harness fusion energy here on earth in this decade. Help fund clean, cheap, safe and unlimited energy and get new knowledge of the cosmos at the same time--for only 50 cents a day! Fusion needs you! wefunder.com/lppfusion
For more about how JWST’s images have contradicted the Big Bang: youtu.be/eUv4vceKuIg To learn how almost all Big Bang hypothesis predictions were wrong even before JWST: youtu.be/tK3OStArUqE To learn about cosmic evolution without a Big Bang: youtu.be/4KTAVzOTsQc You can read the technical papers that describe in detail why the Big Bang hypothesis is contradicted by observations for yourself, even though they were censored by the cosmological orthodoxen: lppfusion.com/censored-papers-that-refute-the-big-bang-hypothesisDecentralized Fusion Energy - so close!LPPFusion2023-05-11 | The future is better than you can imagine, with clean and decentralized fusion energy. Tired of bad news? Doom scrolling? Fusion is the answer. Inspire friends with the possibilities fusion will bring to humanity. Join our mission to DEMOCRATIZE ENERGY & build a ZERO EMISSIONS ECONOMY.
Take action by: investing @ wefunder.com/lppfusion, or sharing...Impossible GalaxiesLPPFusion2022-11-24 | In the fourth episode of LPPFusion video series, “JWST and the Big Bang Never Happened Debate”, LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric J. Lerner shows how data from the ALMA telescope further contradicts the Big Bang, expanding universe model. Independent measures of the sizes of distant galaxies shows that the Big Bang formulae for sizes can't be right--they would lead to impossible galaxies that have smaller size than these independent measures permit. But the galaxies are real--it is the Big Bang hypothesis that is impossible.
Help fund this independent research! (For little more than 50 cents a day, $200/yr): wefunder.com/lppfusion If you are following these videos, please know that this research is entirely funded by the public through our crowdfunding efforts. The knowledge of plasma we gain from studying the universe is directly helping to harness fusion energy here on earth in this decade. Help fund clean, cheap, safe and unlimited energy and get new knowledge of the cosmos at the same time--for only 50 cents a day! Fusion needs you! Current Wefunder campaign ends Dec.9!
Here is the scientific report on the ALMA data: arXiv:2206.01886v2 Some of the data our analysis is based on: arXiv:1910.09517v2 See figure 7 here to see impossible galaxies--those with gas masses larger than the total mass when calculated with Big Bang formulae: arXiv:2108.13442v1
For more about how JWST’s images have contradicted the Big Bang: youtu.be/eUv4vceKuIg To learn how almost all Big Bang hypothesis predictions were wrong even before JWST: youtu.be/tK3OStArUqE To learn about cosmic evolution without a Big Bang: youtu.be/4KTAVzOTsQc You can read the technical papers that describe in detail why the Big Bang hypothesis is contradicted by observations for yourself, even though they were censored by the cosmological orthodoxen: lppfusion.com/censored-papers-that-refute-the-big-bang-hypothesisSwitch Testbed explanationLPPFusion2022-10-09 | LPPFusion Director of Communications Ivy Karamitsos interviews Chief Scientist Eric Lerner about the pupose of the new switch Testbed.Switch TestbedLPPFusion2022-10-09 | In 30 seconds, LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric Lerner explains to Director of Communications Ivy Karamitsos the new Testbed for testing switches. Testing either one or two switches on a separate capacitor greatly speeds up testing, as compared with making and testing 16 switches on the FF-2B fusion device.The Big Bang Never Happened Debate 3LPPFusion2022-09-17 | In this new series of LPPFusion videos, “JWST and the Big Bang Never Happened Debate”, LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric J. Lerner replies to critics of his IAI article, including Dr. Brian Keating, Dr. Becky, Anton Petrov, Ethan Siegel, Sabine Hossenfelder and others. In this video, Part 3: Whose Conflict of Interest?, Lerner discusses the accusations that his involvement in LPPFusion's energy research and our fundraising somehow creates a conflict of interest with our cosmology research. On the contrary, Lerner argues, studying plasma in the cosmos together with plasma in the laboratory is the only way for fusion energy to work, and the only way for cosmology to progress. The real conflict of interest is that funding for academic cosmology research comes from a few committees dominated by those who have put their careers into building the Big Bang hypothesis. Funding is denied to research that openly rejects the Big Bang. This creates a climate of fear in cosmology.
Help fund this independent research! (For little more than 50 cents a day, $200/yr): wefunder.com/lppfusion You will be funding LPPFusion's basic astrophysics research and fusion energy. The same theories that show how the universe evolved without a Big Bang are bringing the power of the stars to earth: cheap, clean, safe and unlimited fusion energy. It is only made possible by funds from the public. For more about how JWST’s images have contradicted the Big Bang: youtu.be/eUv4vceKuIg To learn how almost all Big Bang hypothesis predictions were wrong even before JWST: youtu.be/tK3OStArUqE To learn about cosmic evolution without a Big Bang: youtu.be/4KTAVzOTsQc You can read the technical papers that describe in detail why the Big Bang hypothesis is contradicted by observations for yourself, even though they were censored by the cosmological orthodoxen: lppfusion.com/censored-papers-that-refute-the-big-bang-hypothesisThe Big Bang Never Happened Debate 2LPPFusion2022-09-15 | In this new series of LPPFusion videos, “JWST and the Big Bang Never Happened Debate”, LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric J. Lerner replies to critics of his IAI article, including Dr. Brian Keating, Dr. Becky, Anton Petrov, Ethan Siegel, Sabine Hossenfelder and others. This video, Part 2: the Scientific Method and the Method of Big Bang Cosmology, contrasts the Ptolemaic methods that have led to the Big Bang with the real scientific methods that lead to the rejection of the Big Bang hypothesis.
Help fund this research! (For little more than 50 cents a day, $200/yr): wefunder.com/lppfusion You will be funding LPPFusion's basic astrophysics research and fusion energy. The same theories that show how the universe evolved without a Big Bang are bringing the power of the stars to earth: cheap, clean, safe and unlimited fusion energy. For more about how JWST’s images have contradicted the Big Bang: youtu.be/eUv4vceKuIg To learn how almost all Big Bang hypothesis predictions were wrong even before JWST: youtu.be/tK3OStArUqE To learn about cosmic evolution without a Big Bang: youtu.be/4KTAVzOTsQc You can read the technical papers that describe in detail why the Big Bang hypothesis is contradicted by observations for yourself, even though they were censored by the cosmological orthodoxen: https://www.lppfusion.com/censored-pa...JWST and The Big Bang Never Happened Debate 1LPPFusion2022-08-29 | Help fund this independent research and fusion energy! wefunder.com/lppfusion
In this new series of LPPFusion videos, “JWST and the Big Bang Never Happened Debate”, LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric J. Lerner replies to critics of his IAI article, including Dr. Brian Keating, Dr. Becky, Anton Petrov, Ethan Siegel and others. This video, Part 1: Tiny Galaxies, Smooth Disks, describes the key scientific point Lerner made in the article, which his critics have not yet replied to. This point is that the tiny image of distant galaxies that JWST obtained are incompatible with Big Bang predictions. They show that the Big Bang hypothesis flunks the Tolman test of the expanding universe hypothesis. The smooth disks add to the contradictions by demonstrating that the merger/collisions that cosmologist have long hypothesized cause tiny galaxies to grow into big ones never occurred. Lerner poses a series of questions for Dr. Keating and others to answer in this continuing debate. Small correction: the formula at 3:28 at the bottom of the slide has a typo. The right-hand side should be “1+z” rather than “z”. The redshift is correctly labeled z, but the ratio of the two distances, like the ratio of wavelengths in the first slide, is “1+z”.
Help fund this research! (For little more than 50 cents a day, $200/yr): wefunder.com/lppfusion You will be funding LPPFusion's basic astrophysics research and fusion energy. The same theories that show how the universe evolved without a Big Bang are bringing the power of the stars to earth: cheap, clean, safe and unlimited fusion energy. To learn more about how astronomers measure distances: youtube.com/watch?v=Op3AYaJc0Xw For more about how JWST’s images have contradicted the Big Bang: youtu.be/eUv4vceKuIg To learn how almost all Big Bang hypothesis predictions were wrong even before JWST: youtu.be/tK3OStArUqE To learn about cosmic evolution without a Big Bang: youtu.be/4KTAVzOTsQc You can read the technical papers that describe in detail why the Big Bang hypothesis is contradicted by observations for yourself, even though they were censored by the cosmological orthodoxen: lppfusion.com/censored-papers-that-refute-the-big-bang-hypothesis A big problem is that Big Bang advocates are not using the scientific method that theories have to be tested by comparing predictions with subsequent observations. See the second video in this series: youtu.be/f2TFmg6NdGYPanic and Censorship in Cosmology: JWST and the Fusion Energy Connection, Presentation, DiscussionLPPFusion2022-08-05 | Help fund this independent research and fusion energy! wefunder.com/lppfusion
In this July 26, 2022 online presentation, LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric J. Lerner describes how the latest data from JWST refutes the Big Bang hypothesis, sowing panic among cosmologists. In part 1, he explains that prior to JWST, the Big Bang theory’s predictions were contradicted by 16 different sets of observations and confirmed by only one—the abundance of deuterium. Papers summarizing why the Big Bang hypothesis is invalid have been censored by major journals and even by the open pre-print website arXiv. A paper by Lerner and colleague Riccardo Scarpa which predicted what JWST would find on the basis of a non-expanding universe, with no Big Bang, was similarly censored. In part 2, he shows that the first few weeks of data from JWST contradicts the Big Bang hypothesis in four different ways. In part 3, he describes the real evolution of the cosmos without a Big Bang. This evolution can be understood using a small number of basic processes that have been well-studied in the laboratory—the pinch effect, the formation of plasmas filaments, gravitation and nuclear fusion. A new physical process is only needed to explain why light loses energy as it travels, creating the redshift. Without a Big Bang, dark energy, inflation or dark matter, we can accurately predict the phenomena of the universe that we observe. The same processes, especially plasma filamentation are crucial in the effort to develop fusion energy.
Help fund this research! (For little more than 50 cents a day, $200/yr) : wefunder.com/lppfusion You will be funding LPPFusion's basic astrophysics research and fusion energy.The same theories that show how the universe evolved without a Big Bang are bringing the power of the stars to earth: cheap, clean, safe and unlimited fusion energy.
You can read the censored papers for yourself here: lppfusion.com/censored-papers-that-refute-the-big-bang-hypothesisPanic and Censorship in Cosmology: JWST and the Fusion Energy Connection, Part 2LPPFusion2022-08-05 | In Part 2 of LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric J. Lerner’s July 26, 2022 online presentation, he shows that the latest data from JWST contradicts the Big Bang hypothesis in four different ways. The data shows that distant galaxies are far too small on the sky, contradicting the expanding universe theory’s predictions that distant objects get bigger on the sky with increasing distance. Their size is exactly what Lerner and colleague Riccardo Scarpa predicted they would be on the basis of a non-expanding universe with no Big Bang. The galaxies are far too massive to fit in the tiny radii they would have to have with the BB hypothesis. They are too smooth --to disk-like--to have grown by collisions to be present-day galaxies. And they are too old to have formed after the Big Bang. In short, JWST data has confirmed that the Big Bang never happened. That is what is cause panic among cosmologists.
Help fund this research! (For little more than 50 cents a day, $200/yr) : wefunder.com/lppfusion You will be funding LPPFusion's basic astrophysics research and fusion energy.The same theories that show how the universe evolved without a Big Bang are bringing the power of the stars to earth: cheap, clean, safe and unlimited fusion energy.
You can read the censored papers for yourself here: lppfusion.com/censored-papers-that-refute-the-big-bang-hypothesisPanic and Censorship in Cosmology: JWST and the Fusion Energy Connection, Part 3LPPFusion2022-08-05 | In Part 3 of LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric J. Lerner’s July 26, 2022 online presentation., he describes the real evolution of the cosmos without a Big Bang. This evolution can be understood using a small number of basic processes that have been well-studied in the laboratory—the pinch effect, the formation of plasmas filaments, gravitation and nuclear fusion. A new physical process is only needed to explain why light loses energy as it travels , creating the redshift. Without a Big Bang, dark energy, inflation or dark matter, we can accurately predict the phenomena of the universe that we observe. The same processes, especially plasma filamentation are crucial in the effort to develop fusion energy.
Help fund this research! (For little more than 50 cents a day, $200/yr) : wefunder.com/lppfusion You will be funding LPPFusion's basic astrophysics research and fusion energy.The same theories that show how the universe evolved without a Big Bang are bringing the power of the stars to earth: cheap, clean, safe and unlimited fusion energy.
You can read the censored papers that describe the evidence against the Big Bang for yourself here: lppfusion.com/censored-papers-that-refute-the-big-bang-hypothesisAl Samuels: Why Invest In LPPFusionLPPFusion2022-07-12 | LPPFusion’s project to develop a cheap clean, safe and unlimited source of energy will not only bring material abundance to the whole world’s population—it will bring them hope for a better life. In this 4-minute video, long-time LPPFusion investor Alvin Samuels explains what this project means for humanity and for every person’s future. Mr. Samuels is a retired chemical engineer and business-owner, who saw the problems posed by the oil industry from the inside.The Big Bang Never Happened The Science of the Censored PapersLPPFusion2022-07-05 | Help fund this independent research and fusion energy! wefunder.com/lppfusion
In this presentation to the Hal5 chapter of the National Space Society, Sept. 9, 2021, Eric J. Lerner, President and Chief Scientist at LPPFusion, inc. previews for a general audience the scientific findings that have demolished the Big Bang Hypothesis in three papers that have been censored by the arXiv pre-print website. You can read the censored papers for yourself here: lppfusion.com/censored-papers-that-refute-the-big-bang-hypothesis
The same theories that show how the universe evolved without a Big Bang are bringing the power of the stars to earth: cheap, clean, safe and unlimited fusion energy. Invest in fusion energy research here: wefunder.com/lppfusion
Cosmology is in crisis. Almost every week new observations contradict the “concordance model” with its mysterious inflation, dark energy and dark matter. The solution to this crisis is in abandoning the basic failed hypothesis of the Big Bang itself. Without a Big Bang, the phenomena that we see in the cosmos--the large-scale structures, the abundance of light elements, the cosmic microwave background--can all be explained in quantitative detail. These phenomena are the products of physical processes that are well-known in the laboratory and within our Solar System: electromagnetism, gravity and nuclear fusion. In particular, the magnetic pinch effect, which forms magnetic vortex filaments on all scales, has been critical in producing the universe that we now observe. These same filaments are also critical to the fastest route to using fusion energy for humanity. The plasma physics concepts that can banish the dark and mysterious universe of the Big Bang can as well pave the way for a brighter future here on earth.
Citations Peer-reviewed publications by Lerner and others: https://lppfusion.com/science/cosmic-...
The Big Bang Never Happened e-book: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?even...
Learn more about the connection between fusion and cosmology here: https://lppfusion.com/science/cosmic-...
For the necessity of fusion in the current world crisis: “Pandemic, Economic Crises and the Energy Density Solution. youtu.be/bPQQROYJHpk
”Fusion, the Clean Energy Solution” https://youtu.be/8P7KatR__Po?list=PLB...
Some of the technical papers and videos referenced in this presentation:
Reference on the Giant Arc, too big for the Big Bang: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rcMB...
Other objects too big for Big Bang: Mészáros, A., 2019, Astron. Nachr. ,340, 564 Horváth, I., Hakkila, J. & Bagoly, Z., 2014, A&A 561, L12 Shirokov, S. I., Lovyagin, N. Yu., Baryshev, Yu. V.,Gorokhov V. L, 2016, Astronomy Reports, 60, 563
For those who have asked about formulae for age of large objects, with non-expanding universe it is just A =R/v where A is age in years, R is radius of an object in light-years and v is maximum velocity as a fraction of the speed of light. For an expanding universe, the formula is more complex and can be found in many papers, including: Ceccarelli, L., Padilla, N. D., Valotto, C. and Lambas D. G., 2006, MNRAS, 373, 1440
Contradictions of CMB predictions: Schwarz D. J., Copi, C. J., Huterer, D., & Starkman, G. D, “CMB Anomalies after Planck” , Class. Quantum Grav. 33, 184001 , Aug. 2016 http://www-personal.umich.edu/~hutere... Also: Di Valentino, E., Melchiorri, A. & Silk J., 2020, Nature Astronomy 4, 196 Breakdown of FLRW: arxiv.org/pdf/2106.02532.pdf Helium problems: Portinari, L. Casagrande L. and Flynn C. ,2010, MNRAS 406, 1570
Formation of structure, vortex filaments:
Lerner, E.J., 1986, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 14, 690 Hacar, A. et al, 2018, A&A 610, A77 Santiago-Bautista,I., et al, 2020, arXiv:2002.03446v1 Wang, J-W. et al, 2019, ApJ 888, 13Which Switch Has a Witch? - Investigation Into Negative Voltage PulseLPPFusion2022-02-12 | The break-down (horizontal - bad vs vertical- good), the gas gap distance, the gas pressure, pre-firing: just how do we figure what the negative pulse causes are? Eric explains to Ivy the latest from the team's adventures regarding the puzzling negative voltage pulse which must go away in order to get fusion energy.Unidentified Kitchen Object - Part 2.2LPPFusion2022-02-08 | Arc's marks. Ceramic's gotta go. Teflon's in. Sparkplug design continues.Unidentified Kitchen Object - Part 2.3LPPFusion2022-02-08 | Will LPPFusion solve its spark-plugs and switches challenges? Join the team's exploration of what's possible - your support keeps us going. NEXT: The Switches Saga... or Witches in the Switches, check back soon.Unidentified Kitchen Object- Part 2.1LPPFusion2022-02-07 | For those who may have lost the big picture, here is the schematic of the spark in the switch, where the top plate is also shown at the bottom of the switch. There are 16 switches now on top of FoFu experimental device. But relevant to FoFu these plates are on the top of FoFu, thus the "top plate" term...Unidentified Kitchen Object-Part 2LPPFusion2022-02-07 | UKO identidied! As a sparkplug, surprise surprise! But there is a new object identified as a "top plate" that looks like a bottom plate, when shown, but lives on top of the Focus Fusion device, together with the other 15 switches. More visuals on that in the next part.Just know the top plates are all around FoFu's top and none are directly above the anode / chamber...Unidentified Kitchen Object- Part 1.6LPPFusion2022-02-06 | The scatter matter - explained. Skip to next part to get to UKO identification.Unidentified Kitchen Object - Part 1.5LPPFusion2022-02-06 | Eric keeps suspense going - to find out faster if the UKO is the spark plug skip to next part.Unindentified Kitchen Object, Part 1LPPFusion2022-02-04 | ...LPPFusion Participates In London Periastra Art/Science ShowLPPFusion2022-02-04 | As described on their website “Periastra is a hybrid exhibition where artists and astrophysicists are invited to share each others' modes of exploring the world of celestial phenomena. Often thought of as mutually exclusive, there are sometimes surprising similarities in terms of the aspiration and expression of curiosity. The participants in this show have been identified through their interest in crossing this boundary and the result is an intriguing and visually rich interpretation of each others' fields of research. “
LPPFusion's part in the exhibition describes how key concepts in our fusion work were derived from research in astrophysics and includes a video from our lab which is projected, life-size, on the gallery wall, creating the illusion that the lab is an extension of the gallery. Send us videos if you visit to fusionfan@lppfusion.com
The exhibition is free and runs from today, Feb.3 to Feb 13.