Chandra X-ray Observatory | A Virtual Field Trip with NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory - December 6, 2022 @ChandraXray | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 3 hours ago
As NASA’s premier X-ray telescope, Chandra gives us a powerful tool to investigate hot regions of the Universe, from black holes, to exploding stars, colliding galaxies and more. Get a backstage pass to Chandra's Operations Control Center, tour the Chandra spacecraft through virtual reality, and take a (virtual) quick trip to some exploding stars in our own galaxy. This virtual field trip is part of the Code.org CS Journeys.

Hosted by Dr. Kimberly Arcand with special guests Kristin Divona, Dr. Rutu Das, and/or Nancy Wolk

For more information, visit: https://chandra.si.edu/fieldtrip/
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A Virtual Field Trip with NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory - December 6, 2022 @ChandraXray