In this episode we discuss amino acids (constituents of proteins) found in both hadrosaur skin and a claw, and how evolutionists would have charged "contamination" if actual proteins had been found. However, dinosaur protein has been found in a partially fossilized Tyrannosaurus Rex leg bone!
In this episode we discuss amino acids (constituents of proteins) found in both hadrosaur skin and a claw, and how evolutionists would have charged "contamination" if actual proteins had been found. However, dinosaur protein has been found in a partially fossilized Tyrannosaurus Rex leg bone!
For more information on the creation/evolution issue visit: http://creation.comYoung Earth Creation: Irrelevant to Salvation?CMI Video2024-07-03 | Belief in a young earth is not required for salvation, yet it is vital to the Gospel.
00:00 Intro 1:23 It's a Gospel issue but not a salvation issue 2:31 What you need to believe to be saved 2:56 What don't you need to fully grasp to be saved 5:36 The Burgess Shale supports Noah's flood 7:40 Salvation and doctrines 9:30 4 connections between the Gospel and the age of the earth 16:46 An old earth destroys the Gospel 19:05 Natural selection is not evolution 20:45 An old earth = death before sin 22:52 Old earth leads people away from Christ 25:16 Noah's flood is the key to understanding the age of the earth 25:48 SummaryClimate Change: Whos to Blame?CMI Video2024-06-26 | Is there a climate emergency? Continuing from last week, we examine more failed climate predictions, find the root of the claim that “97 % of scientists” agree that climate change is man-made, and consider the ramifications of a singular focus on fixing the climate without considering other factors.
0:00 Intro 1:03 97% of scientists agree? 3:30 Manipulated data 6:19 Blame Christianity for climate change? 7:41 More failed climate predictions 8:54 Oldest fossils refute evolution 10:30 Rising sea levels 14:21 Climate alarmism hurts kids 15:10 Coral reefs dying due to climate change? 16:32 Ocean acidification 18:13 Other environmental threats 20:16 CO2 is plant food 21:01 Much more CO2 is earth's past 21:30 Earth's magnetic field flipped fast 23:09 Other factors affecting global temperature 25:28 SummaryA Biblical Approach to Climate ChangeCMI Video2024-06-19 | The worldviews behind different approaches to climate change are introduced. Climate models often fail to predict measured climate data. Continued in Part 2:
Related articles: Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) —a biblical and scientific approach to climate change
0:00 Intro 2:07 Reactions to climate change are affected by one's worldview 3:57 Noah's flood and climate change 4:49 The Ice Age and climate change 5:05 Climate: designed to be stable 5:19 Climate instability? 8:19 The epigenetic code 9:48 Limitations of science 13:37 CO2 levels over time 14:03 Warming over time 15:01 Less than 5% of CO2 from burning of fossil fuels 15:39 Water vapour: a more powerful greenhouse gas 16:39 Marxism/humanism connections to climate change 18:24 What about China and India? 19:40 Evolving fish? 21:33 'Hockey stick graph' problems 23:26 Failed climate predictions 25:09 Why panic? Temperature is rising very slowly 25:53 Predicting future temperature is difficult 26:18 Climate models fail to predict actual temperature dataThorns – post-Fall or millions of years old?CMI Video2024-06-07 | What's the connection between the Bible's history and spiny plant fossils buried deep in the fossil record? Well, from a biblical perspective, thorns arose after the first humans sinned, at the time called “the Fall”. Therefore, these plants with thorns must have lived—and been fossilised—after the Fall. However, according to conventional geology, these fossils are in so-called Devonian rocks, which are allegedly over 360 million years old. Does this mean that the Bible’s history regarding thorns is wrong? No, the problem is that conventional geology ignores how the global flood of Noah profoundly affected earth’s sedimentary rock record. Such a cataclysm would have laid down vast sedimentary layers, including the ones deep in the fossil record containing thorns, after the Fall. The fossil record, therefore, is not a record of evolutionary earth history, but is mostly the result of the biblical flood and its aftermath. Therefore, the Bible is correct when it tells us that thorns arose after the Fall. To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website creation.comRibosome: the most sophisticated machine ever made #science #dna #cmiCMI Video2024-04-26 | Did you know that the germs in your intestines have sophisticated machines inside of them? Like all living things, E. coli bacteria contain DNA, which requires sophisticated machinery to read the DNA and turn the information into proteins, which are the major components of all living things.
One of the key machines involved is the ribosome. According to the world’s leading science journal Nature: “The ribosome, together with its accessories, is probably the most sophisticated machine ever made. All of its components are active and moving, and it is environmentally friendly…”
Ribosomes, however, are not just stunning examples of nanotechnology—they also seriously undermine the idea that life arose spontaneously. Life is not possible without ribosomes, so if a hypothetical first living cell arose spontaneously, this means ribosomes must have arisen spontaneously also. Call me a skeptic if you like, but the idea that sophisticated machines can arise without a designer sounds like a fairy tale.Boulders moved over 500km! #science #geology #cmiCMI Video2024-04-12 | What sort of geological event could transport large boulders over 500 km? This confronts geologists when they study the plateaus of north-western USA and western Canada. Throughout these regions there are many hard, quartzite boulders. However, the nearest source of quartzite rocks is at least 500 km away. Some have suggested an ancient river might have carried the boulders, but calculations suggest the water would need to have been over 60 metres deep and travelling faster than 100 km per hour. This suggests a geological catastrophe far exceeding a local flash flood. So how did the boulders get there? The Bible provides a compelling answer. During the recessive stage of the flood, tremendous currents would have scoured the continents, transporting many boulders vast distances. This also explains why many of these boulders have marks testifying to violent collisions during transportation. Thus the Bible provides the answer to a geological mystery.Sedimentary blankets - evidence for Noahs Flood #geology #science #cmiCMI Video2024-03-29 | One of the remarkable things about the geologic record is that blankets of sediments cover vast areas of the continents. In his book, The Nature of the Stratigraphical Record, evolutionary geologist Professor Derek Ager marvelled at the way sedimentary layers extended for thousands of kilometres, even across continents. He was particularly impressed with the chalk beds that form the famous White Cliffs of Dover in Southern England, as these trace all the way to Turkey and Egypt. The strata exposed in the walls of the Grand Canyon provide another example. Some of these sedimentary formations extend thousands of kilometres across North America. Such vast sedimentary layers suggest that geological processes must have occurred in the past that we don’t observe today. Sedimentary deposits forming today are localised and confined to river deltas, lakebeds and along narrow strips of coastline. Sedimentary blankets covering vast areas are exactly what we would expect if the global flood recorded in the Bible actually occurred. To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website http://creation.comCarbon14 in dinosaur bones? It shouldnt be there! #science #paleontology #carbon14 #cmiCMI Video2024-03-15 | A group of geophysicists claimed to have discovered carbon 14 in dinosaur bones! This is major problem for those who believe that the last dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago because carbon 14 decays so fast that it could not possibly survive that long. There should not be one atom of carbon 14 present in dinosaur bones, if they really are as old as is usually claimed. After going to great lengths to rule out contamination, the researchers concluded that they had indeed found carbon 14 in dinosaur bone. These results seriously undermine the evolutionary story of long ages of earth history. However, they fit nicely with Biblical history, whereby dinosaurs lived only thousands of years ago, with their fossils forming from animals buried during Noah’s Flood.
Main article: problem for evolution #science #biology #cmiCMI Video2024-03-01 | Most people know that pollen can cause problems for those who suffer from hay fever. But did you know that pollen is also a major problem for the evolutionary interpretation of the fossil record? Since the 1960s, the scientific literature has reported the presence of pollen and spores within a rock layer called the Roraima Formation in South America. This formation is supposedly over 550 million years old, yet according to evolutionary theory, flowering plants that produce pollen didn't evolve for another 390 million years! So why do we find pollen in the fossil record so long before the first flowering plants appear? The simplest explanation is that the fossil record doesn't represent the evolution of life on this planet over eons of time, but is better explained as a consequence of the year-long global flood of Noah and its aftermath. This is recorded in the book of Genesis, chapters 6, 7, and 8. To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website CREATION.comPolish footprints cause Tiktaalik troubleCMI Video2024-02-16 | Several years ago, the paleontological world heralded the discovery of a fossil called Tiktaalik roseae. Some scientists claimed it as a perfect missing link between fish and amphibians, and so it started appearing in school and university textbooks. However, the discovery of a series of footprints in Poland, made by a four-legged animal, has changed everything. That's because these foot prints were dated according to the same evolutionary ideas at 18 million years older than Tiktaalik. Therefore, from an evolutionary perspective, if four-legged animals existed before Tiktaalik, then Tiktaalik cannot be the transition between fish and four-legged land animals that it was claimed to be. Indeed, these footprints are so significant that they have prompted some scientists to say: "we thought we'd pinned down the origin of limbed tetrapods. We have to rethink the whole thing." Isn't it amazing how just a little bit of new evidence can completely undermine a neat evolutionary story? To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website CREATION.comCan all blood types come from Adam and Eve? #science #biology #anatomy #cmiCMI Video2024-02-02 | If all of humanity descended from Adam and Eve—as the Bible teaches—how is it possible that people have different blood types today? An answer comes from basic genetics. Unlike other traits that are controlled by multiple genes, the A, B, and O blood types are controlled by a single gene. However, this gene comes in three slightly different versions, known as alleles, and that is why we have these three possible major blood types. When God created Adam and Eve, He could have created them with great genetic variety. This means Adam and Eve could have possessed all three alleles between them. However, blood type O appears to be due to a mutated or damaged version of blood type A allele, which suggests it arose later in human history. This means Adam and Eve would only need to possess the A and B alleles between them. So the origin of blood types is consistent with the Bible’s history.Our four dimensional genome #science #dna #genetics #cmiCMI Video2024-01-19 | Many people think DNA is like a recipe or an ordered set of instructions. This is far too simplistic–because genomes operate in multiple dimensions. The first dimension is the sequence of DNA letters. Unlike a book, these DNA letters can be 'read' in different ways. For example, each part of a 'gene' can be used in constructing multiple different proteins, a process controlled by other parts of the genome—the second dimension. Then we must consider the arrangement of the DNA in the nucleus, where genes are not randomly distributed, but cluster together according to need—the third dimension. Even more impressively, the chromosomes in the nucleus vary in shape according to the cell’s changing needs over time—the fourth dimension. How could genomes operating in multiple dimensions have evolved? A rare beneficial mutation that might enhance things in one dimension would likely cause problems at other levels. Genomes look more and more like the handiwork of a supremely intelligent programmer. To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website creation.comNeandertal genome confirms they were human #science #biology #apeman #cmiCMI Video2024-01-05 | Ever since the discovery of the first Neandertal remains in 1856, scientists have debated how to classify these mysterious, quite human-like creatures. Until recently, many evolutionists were confident that Neandertals were not fully human and they regarded them as a sub-human species called Homo neanderthalensis. However, recent genetic research shows that modern humans and Neandertals interbred, suggesting that Neandertals and people living today should be classified as the same species. After sequencing the Neandertal genome, the world's leading authority on 'ancient' DNA, Svante Paäbo, concluded: "Many would say that a species is a group of organisms that can produce fertile offspring with each other and cannot do so with members of other groups. From that perspective we had shown that Neandertals and modern humans were the same species." Neandertals were humans, not ape-men, contrary to 150 years of story-telling. To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website Creation.comMass extinction points to Noahs Flood #cmi #science #fossils #geologyCMI Video2023-12-22 | Most people have heard about the meteorite that hit the earth and supposedly caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. Secular geologists refer to this as the K/T extinction, and they regard it as one of the most significant mass extinctions, according to their deep-time view of earth history. However, did you know that the secular geologists have identified seven other mass extinctions in the portion of the geological record that contains complex plant and animal life? This shows that scientists are increasingly recognising the catastrophic nature of the geologic record. This goes against old ideas of only slow-and-gradual processes being responsible for all the rocks and fossils. These new perspectives are much more in line with a Biblical view of earth history, whereby Noah’s flood wiped out all air-breathing land animals not on the Ark. No, there were not eight mass extinctions in earth history—but there certainly was one massive extinction event! To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website sensitive species - a problem for dinosaur extinction theories #science #dinosaurs #cmiCMI Video2023-12-08 | One of the biggest mysteries in earth history is what caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. There are over 100 theories, including the suggestion that dinosaurs suffered from slipped discs, shrinking brains or chronic constipation. The most popular idea is that a meteorite hit the earth and caused dramatic changes in earth’s climate, which led to the demise of the dinosaurs. However, even though this story is often repeated as fact, many scientists don’t believe it. For instance, in their book The Great Dinosaur Extinction Controversy, two evolutionary scientists explain how the meteorite idea has become a new dogma that has outstripped the evidence. They expose many problems with the theory. For instance, how did some organisms that require daily sunlight inexplicably manage to survive an event that supposedly blacked out the sun and caused 50% of species on earth to go extinct! So, it appears that even the best evolutionary theory of dinosaur extinction can’t see the light of day! To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website http://creation.comLawyer jettisons Noahs Flood #science #geology #cmiCMI Video2023-11-24 | Many people think that the biblical flood of Noah was abandoned because of the evidence. However, history tells a different story. Modern geological thought owes much to a man named Charles Lyell. Lyell, a lawyer, published a book in 1830 called Principles of Geology. Described as a "masterpiece of persuasion", it changed the way people thought about earth's past. According to Lyell, we should only appeal to today's geological processes to explain earth history. However, this approach meant that the global flood recorded in the Bible was automatically ruled out of consideration. Lyell wanted, he wrote, "to free the science [of geology] from Moses". Regrettably, many people have uncritically adopted Lyell's philosophy, without considering how Noah’s flood can help us understand earth history. Lyell changed the way many people think, but his approach was motivated by his anti-biblical philosophy, not an objective study of the evidence. Indeed, it is very difficult to explain earth's history without Noah's Flood. To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website creation.comThe impossibility of ape to human evolutionCMI Video2023-11-01 | "Haldane's Dilemma" presents an insurmountable hurdle for ape-to-human evolution. Watch the entire episode here: theory destroyedCMI Video2023-10-25 | The science that Darwin admitted would "absolutely break down" his theory continues to get stronger with new discoveries in living things. Watch the entire episode at: justified in rape cases?CMI Video2023-10-18 | Is rape a legitimate exception for abortion? What are the alternatives? For more discussion about abortion watch the entire episode at: pouches: well designed #science #biology #cmiCMI Video2023-10-13 | Does the iconic Australian Koala have its pouch ‘upside-down’? This might sound like a silly question, but some biologists have claimed that the Koala's downward-facing pouch would work better if it faced upwards. They argue that the Koala pouch is only facing downwards because of its alleged evolutionary relationship to a wombat-like ancestor. However, Koala pouches work extremely well in their current orientation. When Koalas climb trees, as they must do to feed, their bellies rub against the bark. If the mother's pouch faced upwards, it would fill up with debris. Moreover, the rear opening has soft tissues and a ring of muscles that hold the young ones in. The pouch also secretes antimicrobial proteins to make it nice and clean just before it’s due to carry a new young one. Thus, Koala pouches are well designed, not poorly designed, as you would expect from the Master Designer. They do just what they were designed to do. To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website creation.comEvidence against evolution the Miller-Urey experimentCMI Video2023-10-11 | Today, many people still think this famous experiment solved the challenge of the origin of life. Instead it highlighted even more problems. Watch the entire episode here: For more information see: Complexity of Human DNA Destroys EvolutionCMI Video2023-10-04 | Science continues to reveal more complexity at the smallest levels of life. As a result the evolutionary account of life's origins is rapidly trending toward mythology. May God receive the glory for His incredible creation!
Chapters 0:00 Intro 1:09 DNA compared with software 2:02 Darwin's theory destroyed 5:43 DNA needs to be translated 8:38 Miller-Urey experiment: evidence against abiogenesis 10:17 The impossibility of ape to human evolution 11:00 Haldane's Dilemma 13:24 'Junk DNA' to the rescue? 17:28 DNA: way more complex than software 18:05 1st dimension of the human genome 18:18 2nd dimension of the human genome 20:03 3rd dimension of the human genome 22:27 4th dimension of the human genome 24:16 Results of 10-year "Genotype Expression Project"Junk DNA Junks Evolution #science #dna #genetics #cmiCMI Video2023-09-29 | Evolutionists have long proposed that almost all our DNA—98%— is junk; that it has no function whatsoever. They said this because evolution needs lots of junk DNA. Firstly, there are too many mutations, which damage us, but if nearly all of them occur in DNA that is junk, then they are less of a problem. Secondly, if mutations---accidental changes---created us, then accidents cannot create DNA with 100% function; this would be unbelievable. Thirdly, if mutations created us, they must have occurred in lots of DNA that had no function, to allow lots of experimentation without damaging the existing functions. So the finding of modern science that nearly all of our DNA actually has a function is a huge problem for evolution. Creationist scientists have doubted the junk DNA idea all along, although because we live in a fallen world, we would expect to find some damaged DNA that might appear to be junk—but not much. To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website creation.comAbortion to save the mother?CMI Video2023-09-27 | Sometimes, hard decisions need to be made.
Watch the entire episode at: Human life begins at conceptionCMI Video2023-09-20 | Biologists recognize that life begins at conception, yet some are okay with killing human life. Watch the entire episode at: River super mutants defy evolution #genetics #science #cmi #fishCMI Video2023-09-15 | Have the fish in New York's Hudson River evolved into 'super mutants'? A large proportion of the river's Atlantic tomcod fish have developed resistance to certain poisons, and the mass media has heralded this as a dramatic example of evolution in action! However, far from supporting microbes-to-man evolution, these mutant fish have actually devolved, not evolved! That's because the fish have become resistant through a loss of genetic information. Non-resistant fish have special proteins in their cells that allow the poisons to bind. However, due to a genetic mutation, the proteins of resistant fish cannot bind the poisons as readily. So, 'corrupted' proteins have made the fish resistant. And in the poison-rich environment of the Hudson River, it's no wonder that the mutated gene facilitating resistance has quickly spread through the tomcod population. It is misleading to call these changes 'evolution', because evolution requires the addition of new genetic information, but these resistant fish have only demonstrated information loss. To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website CREATION.comFetus not fully human yet?CMI Video2023-09-13 | A human fetus is a unique, growing individual, not retracing a fictitious evolutionary history, and not just another part of the mother's body.
Watch the full episode at: a problem for radiometric dating #geology #science #helium #cmiCMI Video2023-09-01 | Helium gas is renowned for its ability to diffuse through materials quickly. Why is it, then, that we find an abundance of helium in certain rock crystals—that it has not managed to escape from them? This has significant implications for the dating of rocks using radioactive decay. That’s because helium is formed when some radioisotopes decay, and therefore lots of helium suggests lots of decay has occurred. Moreover, if lots of decay has occurred, it also suggests that the rock is very old. However, Nuclear Physicist Dr Russell Humphreys realised that lots of helium trapped in the rock crystals that had not had time to diffuse out means that the rocks were actually young. Dr Humphreys concluded that nuclear decay rates must have been dramatically faster in the recent past, and that is why rocks that are actually only thousands of years old are commonly wrongly dated using radioisotope decay as millions or billions of years old. To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website CREATION.comRefuting the famous violinist argument for abortionCMI Video2023-08-30 | A refutation of Judith Jarvis Thomson's 'Famous Violinist argument for abortion.
Watch the entire episode at: Canyon strata supports Noahs FloodCMI Video2023-08-25 | Did you know that the rock layers in the Grand Canyon provide strong evidence for the Biblical Flood? The Grand Canyon, with its distinctive layers exposed in the canyon walls, has been carved through a high plateau. However, if we follow the layers into the eastern part of Arizona, we see the same rock units about a mile lower in elevation. In this area, we see significant folding of the layers. According to conventional geology, this uplift and folding occurred long after the sediments had hardened into rock, so it should have caused significant fracturing of the rocks. But this is not what we find. Instead, it appears that the layers—which supposedly represent 300 million years of earth history—have undergone plastic deformation, without fracturing. This suggests the sediments were soft and unconsolidated when they bent. This contradicts evolutionary earth history, but it fits nicely with the layers forming during the Biblical Flood and being bent before they had become hard rock. To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website
What the entire episode at: an evolutionary leftover? #science #biology #anatomy #cmiCMI Video2023-08-18 | Goosebumps form when we our skin gets cold. According to some evolutionists, we develop these bumps on our skin at the base of body hairs because we are supposedly related to hairy ancestors, for which they served a purpose. Since humans have minimal hair, they often dismiss goosebumps as a ‘non-functional relic’ of our supposed evolutionary past. However, human goosebumps are not useless. Even with the small amount of hair we have, when it stands on end, it helps to conserve body heat by trapping more air. Also, the muscles associated with goosebumps help squeeze oil onto the skin and the hairs help prevent the oil glands from becoming clogged. Moreover, the muscle contractions generate heat, of which more can be generated by shivering. Goosebumps, therefore, do not necessarily support the idea we are related to hairy animals. But they do provide evidence for a common designer, using the ‘goosebump concept’ in many different creatures.
To find out more from Creation Ministries International, visit our website CREATION.comThe two-year old abortion testCMI Video2023-08-16 | Substituting '2-year old' in place of 'fetus' can bring clarity to the abortion issue.
Watch the entire episode at: down geological column #science #geology #rock #cmiCMI Video2023-08-11 | Did you know that part of the geological column is found upside-down in Pakistan? At the foot of the Karakorum Mountains, in the Salt Range Formation, scientists have discovered fossilized plants and insects. From an evolutionary perspective, these remains belong to the upper part of the geological column. However, this formation lies beneath Cambrian rocks, which are supposedly over 400 million years older. So why are the fossils of more complex life buried below fossils considered much more primitive? This is a vexing evolutionary problem. Discoveries such as these support the biblical version of earth history, whereby the geological column is primarily a consequence of the global flood and its aftermath. It is no surprise that there is some order in the fossil record, such as sea creatures buried beneath land creatures, and mobile creatures such as birds near the top. But, as the Salt Range Formation testifies, the ordered charts that adorn textbooks aren’t necessarily what we find in the field.
Related Products: Evolution’s Achilles Heels Book Creation Answers Book Creation Magazine Subscription levels and climate change. Don’t panic!CMI Video2023-08-09 | Yes, CO2 is rising. But the data shows not only that there is no need to panic about more CO2, but that more CO2 is actually good for the planet.
0:00 CO2 levels are increasing 0:49 Temperature increase not due entirely to CO2 levels 1:47 Human CO2 contributions are small 2:23 Focus in biggest CO2 contributors? 3:02 Problems with the 'hockey stick' graph 3:56 Noah's flood and CO2 4:48 CO2 is plant food - more CO2 neededFrantic dinosaur footprints point to the flood #science #dinosaurs #geology #footprints #cmiCMI Video2023-08-04 | Dinosaur tracks have been found all over the world, but curiously, these track ways are almost always straight. Usually, when animals are relaxed, they meander around in all directions. But if they’re frightened, they tend to move fast in one direction. So why do dinosaur tracks suggest they were panicking when they made the footprints? The global flood recorded in the Bible provides a compelling answer. As the waters rose during Noah’s Flood, various mechanisms—such as tidal movements of the water—caused flood-laid sediments to be briefly exposed. This allowed dinosaurs that had previously been caught up in the currents, to make tracks on the freshly-laid sediments, before the sediments were inundated again. Thus dinosaurs were experiencing global panic when they made their footprints, and that explains why their track ways are so often straight. The preservation of tracks also requires their rapid burial—as would happen in the Flood. To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website
Watch the entire episode here: confirms Earth’s magnetic field flipped rapidly #science #earth #magneticfield #cmiCMI Video2023-07-28 | Did you know that the earth’s magnetic field has reversed direction—or ‘flipped’—multiple times in the past? The evidence for these reversals is rock solid, because when molten rock cools, certain mineral grains align with the earth’s magnetic field, thus recording the direction of Earth’s magnetic field at the time, in the solidified rock. Previously, most geologists thought that a single reversal would take many thousands of years. However, creationist physicist, Dr Russell Humphreys, reasoned they must have happened quickly to fit within the biblical timescale. So Dr Humphreys made a prediction that quickly-cooling thin lava flows would be found that recorded fast changes in the direction of the magnetic field. This prediction was later proven correct. Scientists were shocked to find major magnetic field changes had occurred within weeks in a single lava flow. They published this in the regular scientific literature. Thus yet another scientific prediction, based on biblical history, proved to be correct. To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website
Related Products: Dismantling the Big Bang: God's Universe Rediscovered Creation Answers Book Creation Magazine Subscription don’t disprove Noah’s Flood #geology #science #iceage #cmiCMI Video2023-07-24 | Dropstones are rocks that have been carried and dropped into finely grained sediment. For instance, icebergs can carry and drop rocks on the ocean floor, to be covered by further sedimentation. Noah’s flood was a worldwide catastrophe that deposited much of earth’s fossil-bearing rocks. However, within these rocks, we find what appear to be dropstones. This is often interpreted as evidence of previous ice ages. And since you can’t have ice ages occurring during the flood, this has prompted some to claim that dropstones disprove Noah’s flood. However, dropstones can be formed by mechanisms that don’t involve icebergs. For example, floating tree stumps can have rocks entangled within them, which are then dropped on the ocean floor. Moreover, recent research in the journal “Marine Geology” has shown that a large seaweed known as kelp has a surprising ability to carry and drop sizeable rocks. So dropstones don’t disprove Noah’s flood. To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website creation.comFlat gaps between rock layers challenge evolution’s long ages #geology #science #cmiCMI Video2023-07-21 | How can a lack of erosion undermine evolutionary ideas of long ages of earth history? Well, when geologists study the boundary between two rock layers, they sometimes conclude that there was a significant time gap between when the lower and upper rock layers were laid down. However, many boundaries don’t show any evidence of elapsed time. The Grand Canyon provides startling examples. One is where the Coconino Sandstone overlies the Hermit Shale. The surface between these rock layers is remarkably flat and smooth—a ‘flat gap’. Yet according to conventional geology, there is a 6 million year gap between these rock layers. The underlying shale is a soft rock, so it should have eroded a lot if exposed for this time. But the Hermit Shale doesn’t show this erosion. This shows that the upper sandstone was deposited on the lower shale so quickly that there was not time for erosion of the shale. Something is obviously wrong with the conventional geological timescale. To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website creation.comAbortion: A Matter of Choice?CMI Video2023-07-19 | Does anyone have the right to murder an innocent human? Pro-choice arguments for abortion are refuted in this episode.
0:00 Intro 2:11 The 2-year-old test 2:43 Humans at different stages from conception 4:17 Secular arguments against abortion 4:46 Biologists: Life begins at conception 6:53 Why murder is wrong 7:47 Newborn less valuable than a pig? 9:11 Feminists against abortion 10:25 Abort disabled babies? 11:34 Roe V Wade overturned 13:52 The Bible on abortion 17:08 'Famous violinist' argument 19:52 Abortion justified in rape cases? 20:57 Abortion to save the mother? 23:00 Pro-life arguments refuted? 27:27 No one has the right to murder babiesEpigenetics and natural selection #genetics #dna #science #cmiCMI Video2023-07-07 | Did you know that the DNA code is itself governed by another code known as the epigenetic code? This physical and chemical code determines which genes are switched on. Changes in this code can greatly alter an organism without altering one letter of its DNA. For instance, scientists have managed to change the coat colour in mice by feeding them a diet that switches off certain genes. Epigenetics poses new problems for evolution. For instance, a group of animals with a camouflaged coat colour might be favoured in a particular environment, but if this coat colour is due to epigenetics and not the actual DNA code, then the non-camouflaged animals would be selected against in vain. When the epigenetic modification is reset by a diet change, natural selection is sent back to square one. The field of epigenetics, therefore, creates problems for evolution and strongly points to a master programmer who invented the DNA and epigenetic codes. To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website creation.comWhat did animals eat after leaving Noah’s Ark?CMI Video2023-06-28 | Here are some possibilities for what animals could have eaten after disembarking Noah's Ark. For more details watch the entire episode at: problems with the 99% similar chimp human DNA figureCMI Video2023-06-21 | A quick summary of 4 reasons why the popular 99% figure was wrong.
For more details watch the entire episode at: did fresh and saltwater fish survive Noah’s Flood?CMI Video2023-06-14 | Here are some possibilities for how fresh and salt water fish survived Noah's flood. For more details watch the entire episode at: mudcracks disprove Noah’s Flood? #geology #science #cmiCMI Video2023-06-09 | ‘Mud cracks’, as they are commonly called, form when muddy sediment is exposed to the air and dries out. This causes the mud to dehydrate, shrink and crack. Some Bible critics claim that mud cracks disprove the global flood, because they are supposedly found throughout the geological record, and therefore imply a series of prolonged periods of drying out, instead of one great watery cataclysm that laid down most sedimentary layers. However, this argument is far from ‘rock solid’, because true mud cracks are easy to confuse with cracks formed by other mechanisms that don’t involve a period of drying out. For instance, it is well known that structures resembling mud cracks can form underwater. Moreover, research suggests that true mud cracks could develop within hours. So flood sediments, briefly exposed with tidal movements as the waters rose, could shrink and crack very quickly. Thus cracks in mud don’t disprove the flood! To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website creation.comWas Noah’s Ark big enough for animals and their food?CMI Video2023-06-07 | Here's a calculation of the floor space needed on Noah's ark for the animals, and their food and water. For more details watch the entire episode at: DNA dilemma #dinosaurs #science #dna #cmiCMI Video2023-06-02 | In 1994 the prestigious journal Science shocked the scientific world by publishing sequence data from DNA retrieved from dinosaur bone said to be 80 million years old. DNA is a fragile molecule, and so it breaks down quickly. Measurements of DNA stability suggest it could last thousands of years, at best, under the likely conditions. But 80 million years was just too incredible for other skeptical scientists. Eventually, these skeptics were vindicated—as it became apparent that the original researchers had sequenced contaminating human DNA, not dinosaur DNA. However, in 2012 a different group of researchers published new results supporting the discovery of actual dinosaur DNA. These new results appear much harder to disprove, with the researchers applying multiple checks against contamination from non-dinosaur sources. The preservation of dinosaur DNA doesn’t make sense from an evolutionary perspective. But it fits biblical history, whereby dinosaurs lived thousands of years ago, not millions of years ago. To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website creation.comNew research: Chimp Human DNA not 99% similarCMI Video2023-05-31 | New, more accurate research shows much less similarity. For more details watch the entire episode at: